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EMR dyanmodb export failed because of table capacity set to on-demand

After we changed the dynamodb table capacity to on-demand, the data pipeline job to export dynamodb table failed with this error.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Read throughput should not be less than 1. Read throughput percent: 0.0
at org.apache.hadoop.dynamodb.read.AbstractDynamoDBInputFormat.getSplits(AbstractDynamoDBInputFormat.java:51)
at org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobSubmitter.writeOldSplits(JobSubmitter.java:520)
at org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobSubmitter.writeSplits(JobSubmitter.java:512)
at org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobSubmitter.submitJobInternal(JobSubmitter.java:394)

Any workaround to this issue?



like image 797
G.Su Avatar asked Jan 07 '19 18:01


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When using provisioned capacity mode How are you charged for Amazon DynamoDB?

When you purchase reserved capacity, you must designate an AWS Region, quantity, and term. You will be charged (1) a one-time upfront fee, and (2) an hourly fee for each hour during the term based on the amount of DynamoDB reserved capacity you purchase.

How many read capacity units will you need when configuring your DynamoDB table?

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How do I export data from DynamoDB table?

To export a DynamoDB table, you use the AWS Data Pipeline console to create a new pipeline. The pipeline launches an Amazon EMR cluster to perform the actual export. Amazon EMR reads the data from DynamoDB, and writes the data to an export file in an Amazon S3 bucket.

Is there a limit to how much throughput you can get out of a single table in DynamoDB?

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1 Answers

I'd contact AWS support to confirm, but I was told the EMR DynamoDB connector does not formally support tables using on-demand provisioning yet. So, more than likely you need to switch the table back to provisioned capacity as a workaround.

Edit: As of 23 January 2019, the EMR connector for DynamoDB supports tables set to on-demand billing.

like image 151
Kirk Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 21:09
