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Empty parameter is not Null in function


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Is not null or empty PowerShell?

You can also use the IsNullOrWhiteSpace method to check if a string variable is not null or empty in PowerShell. This method only works from PowerShell 3.0. It returns True if the variable is null or empty or contains white space characters. If not, it prints False in the output.

How do you check variable is empty or not in PowerShell?

You can use the [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($version) method if it is a string.

Can we pass null as argument in JavaScript?

Conclusion. In JavaScript, the condition “arg == null” can be used to check passed arguments for null values.

Given this basic function:

Function TestFunction {
    Param ( [int]$Par1, [string]$Par2, [string]$Par3 )
    If ($Par1 -ne $Null) { Write-Output "Par1 = $Par1" }
    If ($Par2 -ne $Null -or $Par2 -ne '') { Write-Output "Par2 = $Par2" }
    If ($Par3 -ne $Null) { Write-Output "Par3 = $Par3" }
TestFunction -Par1 1 -Par3 'par3'

...the output is:

Par1 = 1
Par2 = 
Par3 = par3

Even though I didn't pass anything into the $Par2 variable, it still isn't Null or empty. What happened, and how can I rewrite the statement so that the second If-statement evaluates as False and the script-block does not get executed?

(I added the -or $Par2 -ne '' just to test, it behaves the same with and without it.)