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Emit signal if all children widgets lose focus



I have a QStackedWidget which holds several pages full of various QLineEdit and QComboBox children. I want to emit a signal whenever the QStackedWidget no longer has any child with focus (given that a child had focus to begin with). So moving from child to child will not emit a signal, but once a widget is selected outside of the QStackedWidget, a signal is emitted. Any advice on how to implement this? I've looked at InstallEventFilter and QSignalMapper, but neither of those appear to fit my needs. Any advice would be appreciated.

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Jmbryan10 Avatar asked Sep 11 '11 04:09


1 Answers

You can connect to the QApplication::focusChanged signal in order to evaluate the focus widgets within a corresponding slot. The clean way to do this is to derive from QStackedWidget:

class StackedFocusWidget : public QStackedWidget {



    StackedFocusWidget(QWidget *parent = 0) : QStackedWidget(parent) {
        connect(qApp, SIGNAL(focusChanged(QWidget *, QWidget *)), this, SLOT(onFocusChanged(QWidget *, QWidget *)));

private slots:

    void onFocusChanged(QWidget *old, QWidget *now) {
        bool focusOld = old != 0 && isAncestorOf(old);
        bool focusNow = now != 0 && isAncestorOf(now);
        if (!focusOld && focusNow) {
            emit gotFocus();
        } else if (focusOld && !focusNow) {
            emit lostFocus();


    void gotFocus();
    void lostFocus();

The signals StackedFocusWidget::gotFocus and StackedFocusWidget::lostFocus will be emitted whenever the stacked widget or any of its childs receives or loses focus.

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emkey08 Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09
