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$emit doesn't trigger child events

For a VueJS 2.0 project I have the following on the parent component

<button @click="$emit('childEvent)"></button>

on the child component I have:

  events: { 'childEvent' : function(){.... },
  ready() { this.$on('childEvent',...) },
  methods: { childEvent() {....} }

Nothing seems to work on button click. Is it that I need to create a parent method that would then emit to the child? I was using vuejs 1. but now I'm confused as to the ways parent to child communications work

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KArneaud Avatar asked Nov 16 '16 16:11


People also ask

What is the use of $emit event?

This is where you’ve misunderstood. $emit is used for child => parent component communication. Dispatching an $emit event won’t send it out globally. It will only send the event up to it’s parent. If your click handler isn’t a child of the parent component you need a different strategy.

How do I Pass events to a child component?

So you don't pass events to a child-component, you change the prop of a child. And then in your child-component you create a watcher for that props. This is the way to make a child-component react on things happening outside of it. This is a really simple button-component which can do 2 things.

How do I fire events to my child components?

You don't fire events to your child-components. Instead, you change the prop on a child-component and then use a watcher in that child-component to fire some logic. Before we start with this example, you have to understand the following concept:

1 Answers

While the other answers are correct and it is usually possible to use a data driven approach.

I'm going to add this for anyone looking for an answer to this question who need a way other than props. I ran into a similar problem when trying to set focus on a particular input inside a custom form component. To do this I had to give the custom component a ref then do this.


This access the vue instance of the child and then you can emit an event that is heard by that component.

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qw3n Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09
