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Emit an event with node.js socket client to sails.js (0.11.x) [duplicate]

The server: sails.js (0.11.x) is the server

The client: A node.js script with [email protected] and [email protected]

Big picture: I have, or will have, a farm of node.js scripts that connect to the sails.js server and will perform various tasks.

Immediate Goal: I want to emit an event during a socket connection from client->server such as:

socket.emit('got_job', job.id);

Why? If this is possible I can create various event handlers on the server side in one controller (or controller + service) and keep my code clean while managing a set of stateful transactions between client/server endpoints for supporting this script farm.

The documentation: This is how one goes about using socket.io-client for sails.js this per sails docs: https://github.com/balderdashy/sails.io.js?files=1#for-nodejs

I haven't much code to share other than what's in that link, but I'll paste it here just in case:

var socketIOClient = require('socket.io-client');
var sailsIOClient = require('sails.io.js');

// Instantiate the socket client (`io`)
// (for now, you must explicitly pass in the socket.io client when using this library from Node.js)
var io = sailsIOClient(socketIOClient);

// Set some options:
// (you have to specify the host and port of the Sails backend when using this library from Node.js)
io.sails.url = 'http://localhost:1337';
// ...

// Send a GET request to `http://localhost:1337/hello`:
io.socket.get('/hello', function serverResponded (body, JWR) {
  // body === JWR.body
  console.log('Sails responded with: ', body);
  console.log('with headers: ', JWR.headers);
  console.log('and with status code: ', JWR.statusCode);

  // When you are finished with `io.socket`, or any other sockets you connect manually,
  // you should make sure and disconnect them, e.g.:

  // (note that there is no callback argument to the `.disconnect` method)

What I have looked into: I've drilled into various levels of these objects and I can't seem to find anything exposed to use. And simply trying io.socket.emit() as it doesn't exist. But io.socket.get() and io.socket.post(), etc work fine.


Thanks, and I'll try to update this as needed for clarification.


Misc Server Info.:

  • I'm using nginx on port 443, with SSL termination, pointing to 4 (and soon more) sails.js instances on separate ports (3000-3003).
  • I'm also using Redis for sessions and sockets.
like image 648
nodnarB Avatar asked Jun 04 '15 21:06


1 Answers

You're close:

Your io.socket.get call is kind of like a rest api call. You'd need a sails controller bound to a get request on the url '/hello',

io.socket.get('/hello', function serverResponded (body, JWR) {
  //this is the response from the server, not a socket event handler


'get /hello':'MyController.hello'


The method you're looking for is, io.socket.on('eventName');

Here's an example:

    io.socket.get('/hello', function serverResponded (body, JWR) {
      //all we're doing now is subscribing to a room


    'get /hello':'MyController.hello'

         res.json({message:'youve subscribed to a room'});

What we've effectively done is, setup our socket to be part of a "room", which is basically an event namespace. Then, some other controller only has to do this:

sails.sockets.broadcast('myroom','anevent',{message:'socket event!'});

After this call is made, you would receive the message in the callback of io.socket.on('anevent').

like image 93
aclave1 Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 09:11
