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Ember.js this.super() what is the purpose



Lot of times i see the function

init: function() {
    return this._super();

What is the purpose of this function and when to use them? Can someone explain to me practically use?

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user2521436 Avatar asked May 13 '14 22:05


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1 Answers

Calling this._super() in the init calls the init function of the superclass.

The documentation gives this example:

App.Person = Ember.Object.extend({
  say: function(thing) {
    var name = this.get('name');
    alert(name + " says: " + thing);

App.Soldier = App.Person.extend({
  say: function(thing) {
    this._super(thing + ", sir!");

var yehuda = App.Soldier.create({
  name: "Yehuda Katz"

yehuda.say("Yes"); // alerts "Yehuda Katz says: Yes, sir!"
like image 86
Buck Doyle Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11

Buck Doyle