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EmberJS template component suddenly not rendering on page

I'm following this Ember tutorial and I've suddenly run into an issue where my rental-listing.hbs template component stops rendering. It started when I began implementing the map service.

I don't understand where this could be happening. I've copied the code from parts of the GitHub repository that I thought were relevant but to no avail.

I have a rental.hbs template that looks like so:

<div class="jumbo">
  <div class="right tomster"></div>
  <p>We hope you find exactly what you're looking for in a place to stay.</p>
  {{#link-to "about" class="button"}}
    About Us

Which in turn has a template component called rental-listing.hbs:

<article class="listing">
    onclick={{action "toggleImageSize"}}
    class="image {{if this.isWide "wide"}}"
    <img src={{this.rental.image}} alt="">
    <small>View Larger</small>
  <div class="details">
    <h3>{{link-to this.rental.title "rentals.show" this.rental class=this.rental.id}}</h3>
    <div class="detail owner">
      <span>Owner:</span> {{this.rental.owner}}
    <div class="detail type">
      <span>Type:</span> {{rental-property-type this.rental.category}} - {{this.rental.category}}
    <div class="detail location">
      <span>Location:</span> {{this.rental.city}}
    <div class="detail bedrooms">
      <span>Number of bedrooms:</span> {{this.rental.bedrooms}}
  <LocationMap @location={{this.rental.city}}/>

The only thing I have added to the above is the line <LocationMap @location={{this.rental.city}}/> but it still doesn't work if I remove it.

The console shows me no errors and I can actually see I am getting the three dummy objects I want from Mirage:


So I'm definitely getting the objects and from what I see I'm doing everything necessary in the templates to render it but they aren't. Should I be looking somewhere else?

like image 922
Nanor Avatar asked Oct 15 '22 14:10


1 Answers

Are you able to provide a link to your example? By having each piece of the ember application you mention it would be best to answer definitely. I can give a general answer with strategies for debugging the template.

The conventions behind ember.js make understanding the "whys" frustrating at first and possibly opaque. Ember's handlebars implementation governs how values are populated and accessed within templates using very specific rules. Ember treats templates (handlebars files) differently depending on whether it is for a route or component. Component's have an isolated context and must receive values by explicit passing in or dependency injection. Then, you can use such values in a component's template by accessing those properties with {{this.somePassedInValue}}.

In the super-rentals app, it appears the rental index route invokes the components responsible for displaying the individual units. I found this in app/templates/rentals/index.hbs.

 <li><RentalListing @rental={{rentalUnit}} /></li>

The route template iterates over the list of filteredResults. Each of these is the rentalUnit. A good first step would be to use the {{log}} helper to print out that the value of rentalUnit to ensure it is what you expect.

Alternatively, you could try cloning https://github.com/ember-learn/super-rentals and applying the changes you want to make step by step from the master branch. By doing so, you could easily undo a single change to see what caused something to not show up as expected.

like image 85
efx Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11
