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Ember.js: Passing model into view

I have a controller with data about user accounts (icon, name, provider, etc.). Within the output of the each loop I have a view that will build a CSS class dynamically based on the provider passed in via that specific model.

<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="accountItem">
{{#each account in controller}}
    {{#view App.AccountView}}
        <img {{bindAttr src="account.icon"}} />
        <i {{bindAttr class="account.provider"}}></i>

App.AccountView = Ember.View.extend({
    tagName: 'a',
    classNames: ['avatar-image'],
    providerClass: function(el) {
        // do something

The question I have is two-fold.

  1. How do you pass in "account", or the currently iterated item, into the view?
  2. After you pass it in, how do you reference it?

I'm sure this is something that happens quite often but I can't seem to find any examples. Can anyone offer some input on this please?

like image 369
commadelimited Avatar asked Feb 26 '13 05:02


1 Answers

Views has a special content property in a view which allows a more simple approach: you just use a name of the model's property without the view.content. part.
Also, when you're iterating over controller, you can omit the name of loop variable and use this instead, like in this guide. This is not necessary but can make the code a bit cleaner.
Also, from within view's template you generally don't need to reference the outside variables although you can if you like..

{{#each controller}}
    {{#view App.IndexView contentBinding="this"}}
        <img {{bindAttr src="icon"}} />
        <i {{bindAttr class="provider"}}></i>
        <i> {{icon}} </i>

And you can always access the content property from within the view with:

like image 123
Shimon Rachlenko Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 19:09

Shimon Rachlenko