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Emberjs - Disable and Enable TextField



So I've recently found the disabled attribute in the Em.TextField, however I can't seem to re-enable the TextField after I've extended it with the disabled property set to true.

var app = Em.Application.create();
app.randomObj = Em.Object.create({
    temp: null
app.textField = Em.TextField.extend({
    valueBinding: 'app.randomObj.temp',
    disabled: true

How do I remove the disabled property with Ember?

like image 637
mlienau Avatar asked May 09 '12 20:05


2 Answers

There are some issues with your sample code, I'll adress each one and hope I can clear some things up.

Naming Convention

First of all you should have a look at the Emberist post about naming conventions: Classes should be named UpperCase and instances lowerCase - exception for applications and namespaces. So in your provided JSFiddle in your comment it's App.controller and App.ATextField.

Declaring App as global variable

You are creating an instance of an Ember.Application and assigning it to var app. Although you should be careful when using global variables, in this case you should define your application on the global namespace, so it should be App = Ember.Application.create(); respectively window.App = Ember.Application.create();. By declaring the app as global variable, you can use the powerful Bindings feature in your templates and your JS code.


The bindings should be declared on instances and not on classes. By this I mean you wouldn't define the valueBinding of your App.TextField in your class definition but rather move this to the concrete instance, for example in the template.

In your provided JSFiddle in your comment your binding to the controller does not work because you don't use one: to create a binding to a specific controller/object/... you'll have to declare the property name you want to bind to and append a Binding String. So it would be disabledBinding: 'App.controller.shouldDisable'.


I've refactored your code, see http://jsfiddle.net/pangratz666/pLpKV/:


{{view Ember.TextField
    disabledBinding="App.controller.shouldDisable"}} {{App.tempObj.hold}}


App = Em.Application.create();

App.controller = Em.Object.create({
    shouldDisable: true

App.tempObj = Em.Object.create({
    hold: "initial value"

// just to illustrate how to define bindings outside of templates,
// we're adding a TextField with bindings setup the same as for the
// template
    valueBinding: 'App.tempObj.hold',
    disabledBinding: 'App.controller.shouldDisable'
like image 72
pangratz Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 10:11


Bind it to a controller, and you can toggle it at will. Disabled is a bound attribute, so when the property changes, the template will update.

like image 37
Christopher Swasey Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 10:11

Christopher Swasey