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Ember.js Clone an existing record into the store

I am struggling with the concept Ember.js will like. What I want is the following. I have now an existing Ember Data model called Article. Lets say with the id of 1 will be shown on /article/1.

When the user hit the New button they are transitioned to the 'article.new' route. See my routers:

App.Router.map(function () {
   this.resource('article', {path: '/article/:id'});
   this.resource('article.new', {path: "/article/new"});

When the user click the Duplicate button when they are at /article/1 the duplicateArticle action gets called. I intuitively do the following in App.ArticleController:

duplicateArticle: function () {
   return this.transitionToRoute('article.new', this.get('model');

However that is not going to work. I think because I need an path in my article.new route. However, when a user click on the New button I do not need an ID.

Is there a valid solution to this question?

Edit: My tries so far:

var currentArticle = this.get('model'); 
currentArticle.set('id', null); 
var duplicatedArticle = this.store.createRecord('article', currentArticle); 


var duplicatedArticle = Ember.copy(this.get('model'), true);


 var newArticle = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.get('model')));
 var duplicatedArticle = this.store.createRecord('article', newArticle);

The last try does work except for belongsTo and hasMany properties.

Is there no Ember way of doing this?


Ember clone model for new record

Is there any way to convert Ember Object into plain javascript object?

Iterating over Ember.js ember-data Record Arrays

How can I clone an Ember Data record, including relationships? (not answered, 75% the same question as me)


Update: a simple example with also belongsTo items saved

hasMany does not work. Contribute to this answer if you have a solution!

My final solution without hasMany items is now as follows:

In my actions of my ArticleController:

  duplicateArticle: function () {
        var article = this.get('model').toJSON(),
            self = this;

        // todo implement saving hasMany items

        // set belongsTo items by hand
        article['landcode'] = this.get('landcode');
        article['employee'] = this.get('employee');
        article['cross_selling_article_relation'] = this.get('cross_selling_article_relation');

        var duplicatedArticle = this.store.createRecord('article', article);

        // save and transite to newly created article
        duplicatedArticle.save().then(function (savedArticle) {
            self.transitionToRoute('article', savedArticle.id);
like image 416
DelphiLynx Avatar asked Dec 09 '13 17:12


Video Answer

3 Answers

Now we have a add-on to copy models ember-cli-copyable

With this add on, just add the Copyable mix-in to the target model which is to be copied and use the copy method

Example from the add-on site

import Copyable from 'ember-cli-copyable';

Account = DS.Model.extend( Copyable, {
  name: DS.attr('string'),
  playlists: DS.hasMany('playList'),
  favoriteSong: DS.belongsTo('song')

PlayList = DS.Model.extend( Copyable, {
  name: DS.attr('string'),
  songs: DS.hasMany('song'),

//notice how Song does not extend Copyable 
Song = DS.Model.extend({
  name: DS.attr('string'),
  artist: DS.belongsTo('artist'),
//now the model can be copied as below
this.get('currentAccount.id') // => 1 
this.get('currentAccount.name') // => 'lazybensch' 
this.get('currentAccount.playlists.length') // => 5 
this.get('currentAccount.playlists.firstObject.id') // => 1 
this.get('currentAccount.favoriteSong.id') // => 1 

this.get('currentAccount').copy().then(function(copy) {

  copy.get('id') // => 2 (differs from currentAccount) 
  copy.get('name') // => 'lazybensch' 
  copy.get('playlists.length') // => 5 
  copy.get('playlists.firstObject.id') // => 6 (differs from currentAccount) 
  copy.get('favoriteSong.id') // => 1 (the same object as in currentAccount.favoriteSong) 

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Vinoth Kumar Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 20:09

Vinoth Kumar

Ember Data is in beta, so missing functionality is to be expected, relationships are only resolved from ids when resolved through find.

If you create a dummy id you can pushPayload then find.

W/o relationships, you can use record.toJSON() to get the attributes w/o id, then send it to createRecord.


You should submit a PR with duplicate logic, it would be a great way to contribute to the community.

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Kingpin2k Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 20:09


I have a solution for copying/duplicating an Ember Data record, including its one-to-many relationships.

I have a "duplicate" method:

duplicate: function(oldObject) {
  var newObject = oldObject.toJSON();
  for (var key in newObject) {
    if (newObject[key] != oldObject.get(key)) {
        newObject[key] = oldObject.get(key);
  newObject.id = null;
  return newObject;

And I use this method in an action like this:

actions: {
  draft: function() {
    var newModel = this.duplicate(this.get('model'));
    this.store.createRecord('somemodel', newModel).save();
like image 34
Ryan D Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 20:09

Ryan D