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Ember without Ember Data

Ember data is still not at version 1.0 and thus I decided to use Ember without Data models.

I have my own models, and those are created by the route model function.

However maintaining state between the frontend objects and the backend objects is a nightmare. Especially when one route uses another routes models.

  • How can this be achieved, should I write my own store and model find method?
  • Should I use Ember Data (even though it's not at version 1.0 ?) perhaps an ETA on Ember Data 1.0 ?
  • write code to update the models on the frontend each time I change a model?
  • Another method?

Is what I'm doing best practices or should I be doing it differently? My gut feeling is that without using Ember Data I should write my own store. I'd love to get feedback from some of you guys.

Example of a model:

App.Person = Ember.Object.extend(App.Serializable,Em.Copyable,{
  user_email : null //used in routing dynamic segements and as old email when making changes to email
  ,first_name: null
  , last_name: null
  , fullname : function () {
    return this.first_name + ' ' + this.last_name;

  createRecord: function(data) {
    return App.Person.create({
      user_email : data.email
      , first_name: data.first_name
      , last_name : data.last_name

Example of how I load the class models:

App.UsersRoute = App.AuthenticatedRoute.extend( {
  model : function () {
    return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
      $.getJSON('/users').then(function(usersData) {
        var userObjects = [];
          usersData.forEach(function (data) {
        resolve( userObjects);
        },function(error) {

Subroutes use the model:

App.UsersAvailableRoute = App.AuthenticatedRoute.extend( {
     model : function () {
        return {
          allUsers :  Ember.ArrayController.create({
            content : this.modelFor('users').filter( function (user) {
                      return user.availablity === 100

Example of how I update the model in a controller:

App.UsersAvailableController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
needs : ['users']
    ,applyPersonAssign : function (person,need,project) {
          var updateObject = Ember.copy(project,true);
          if (Ember.isEmpty(need.get('inProject'))) {

          return $.ajax({
            url: '/projects/' + updateObject.get('codename'),
            "type": "PUT",
            "dataType": "json",
            data: updateObject.serialize()
like image 539
Dory Zidon Avatar asked Jun 25 '14 12:06

Dory Zidon

People also ask

Is Ember a backend?

The most important thing to know is that Ember. js is completely backend-agnostic. You could write this part just as well in Ruby, PHP, Python or any other server language.

How do I use Ember data?

Ember comes with a data management library called Ember Data to help deal with persistent application data. Ember Data requires you to define the structure of the data you wish to provide to your application by extending DS. Model . import DS from 'ember-data'; export default DS.

Is Ember similar to react?

Difference Between Ember JS and React JS. Ember JS is an open-source JavaScript framework that helps developers to create a scalable single-page web application. On the other hand, React JS is a JavaScript library that helps in creating user interfaces. Facebook is maintaining it.

1 Answers

If you're familiar with Ruby, Rails is a great solution for a backend.

The ember community has support for rails with the ember-rails gem which lets you use rails as a means to serve JSON.

Getting started

  • Add the gem to your application Gemfile:

    gem 'ember-rails' gem 'ember-source', '~> 1.9.0' # or the version you need

  • Run bundle install

  • Next, generate the application structure:

    rails generate ember:bootstrap

  • Restart your server (if it's running)

Building a new project from scratch

Rails supports the ability to build projects from a template source ruby file.

To build an Ember centric Rails project you can simply type the following into your command line:

rails new my_app -m http://emberjs.com/edge_template.rb

To install the latest builds of ember and ember-data. It should be noted that the examples in the getting started guide have been designed to use the released version of ember:

rails generate ember:install

Then all you need to do is render json in your controllers, like this

class ProjectsController < ApplicationController
    def index
        respond_to do |format|
            format.json { render json: Project.all }

    def show
        respond_to do |format|
            format.json { render json: Project.where(name: params[:name])}

make sure to update your serializers

class ProjectSerializer < ApplicationSerializer
  attributes :id, :name, :description, :imgUrl, :deployUrl

setup your routes

EmberRailsBlog.ProjectsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
    model: function(){
        return this.store.find('project');

and finally your model

var attr = DS.attr;

EmberRailsBlog.Project = DS.Model.extend({
    name: attr(),
    description: attr(),
    imgUrl: attr(),
    deployUrl: attr()
like image 187
Yeysides Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 15:09
