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Embedding a program's source code into its binary using GCC for GDB's later use





I'm getting tired of having to keep my source code untouched until I'm through with its debugging. Any time I change my code, GDB starts complaining about it:

warning: Source file is more recent than executable.

until I recompile it, which can not always be done quickly. I think it would be great if it was possible to include a program's source code into its binary and to make GDB use it instead of its up-to-date version.

Could anyone suggest a way how to do it? Has this been implemented at all?

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undercat Avatar asked Nov 27 '10 15:11


2 Answers

After you compile your code, you can copy of the source code to a different location.

Then, in gdb you can set the directory where gdb is looking for the source code: set directories /your/new/directory.

Now, gdb will work with the source code found in that directory and you can change the original source code without gdb noticing.

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user1729108 Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 01:09


Source code embedding is a feature in DWARF v5. Oddly gcc 11.1 and gdb seem to be completely missing support. Clang supports it though.

clang-13 -gdwarf-5 -gembed-source hello.c -o hello

Unfortunately, lldb does not appear to be able to use the embedded source yet.

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Manouchehri Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 01:09
