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Embedded platform development in (!C)

I'm curious to see how popular the alternatives to C are in the embedded developer world e.g. Ada...

I've only ever used C (with a little bit of assembler), but then my targets have very limited resources. Is there a move else where in this space to something else? What is winning the ware in set top boxes?

If !C what was the underlying reason?

  • Compiler support for target
  • Trace \ static analysis tools
  • other...


like image 643
Oliver Avatar asked Feb 27 '09 22:02


1 Answers

Forth is quite popular for embedded development.

Also, while Smalltalk is probably not popular in the embedded community, embedded development is definitely popular in the Smalltalk community.

like image 132
Jörg W Mittag Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 04:09

Jörg W Mittag