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Embed editable Google Docs spreadsheet without header & toolbar


I have the requirement to embed a Google Docs spreadsheet on a webpage, but it needs to be just the editable cells, without the Google navigation and toolbar at the top.

I can't find a reference to the querystring variables for embedding Google docs anywhere but it seems that the only thing which removes the toolbar etc is by adding 'output=html' to the querystring. However, this is what seems to be converting it from an editable spreadsheet to a non-editable spreadsheet too, which is the problem.

Can anyone suggest how to manipulate the URL below to produce an editable document with only the cells visible (no toolbar)?


Note, this URL doesn't work - it's just an example.


like image 576
Dan Avatar asked Nov 17 '11 21:11


People also ask

Can you embed an editable Google Sheet?

Following this, press File > Publish to Web > Embed > Sheet1 > Publish. You should get an embed code from that, and make sure you keep that in a safe place too.

How do you embed an editable form in Google Sheets?

Open the Notion app and the page where you want to embed the Google Sheets file. Tap anywhere on the screen, and when a menu appears, select the “+” symbol. Find the “Embeds” section and tap on “Google Drive.” Paste the Google Sheets link and tap on “Embed Google Drive file.”

How do I embed a Google Doc without publishing it?

Go to File -> Embed and use the latest link in your website and it will work in IE also! I was facing the same problem and I have solved it by this approach.

2 Answers

Try adding rm=minimal as in:

like image 111
Henrique G. Abreu Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 14:10

Henrique G. Abreu

The answer provided by Henrique requires a slight adjustment to work with the new Sheets.

Add ?rm=minimal to the end of your document's URL, i.e.


like image 38
Joshua Whitman Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 13:10

Joshua Whitman