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email from Apple - "Missing Push Notification Entitlement" [duplicate]

I have been trying to submit an update to my app for 3 days now, and every time that I do I get an email from Apple stating:

Missing Push Notification Entitlement - Your app appears to include API used to register with the Apple Push Notification service, but the app signature's entitlements do not include the "aps-environment" entitlement.

I have tried everything that I can, including making brand new provisioning profiles, setting an entitlement.plist and everything that I do results in the same email shortly after submission. I have opened the provisioning profile I am using and it DOES include the aps-entitlement.

Xcode gives me no errors or warnings when I build or archive the app, so everytime I try something new I have to go through the same process.

Is there ANYTHING else I can do to update my app and add push notifications? I have looked at many other questions on here and on google and am tearing my hair out!


People continue to think that I haven't looked at other solutions. I have. From the question this has been linked to as already answered, here are the suggestions it makes:

Re-create the provisioning profile

I have done this. I also made brand new ones. I have verified that they include the aps-environment flag in them.

Re-create the provisioning profile

Again, I have done this. Many times now.

Open your Provisioning Profile in any Text Editor and search for "environment" and you must find: aps-environment

The profiles I am using have this.

Remove calls to the service

Not relevant as I am trying to ADD the service.

Enable the service and re-create the profile

Again, this has been done.

Re-create the provisioning profiles

And again.

Remove the library that is referencing the push notification system

As above, I am adding Push Notification, not looking to remove it as per the question linked here.

I don't want to come off as rude, but please understand that when I say I have spent 3 days looking for answers I am being serious. Not only does this question ask about REMOVING, not adding Push Notifications, I had already added information about trying these methods.

Can someone please help me, or should I just use one of my support tickets with Apple over this?

like image 411
Alan Taylor Avatar asked May 20 '13 21:05

Alan Taylor

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For remote notifications, your company's server generates push notifications, and Apple Push Notification service (APNs) handles the delivery of those notifications to the user's devices. Use this framework to do the following: Define the types of notifications that your app supports.

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1 Answers

I have solved this, so here is the answer for others who may come across this in the future.

I had to delete the Entitlements plist I had created when trying to solve the issue earlier in the day, then recreate it through Xcode and add in the same information that was in my provisioning profile. I also had to do this on BOTH the project and the target.

I have not received the email over this submission, and the binary details on iTunes Connect now list "APS Environment: Production".

Thank you to dpassage and maddy who both attempted to help me with the question.

like image 100
Alan Taylor Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 05:10

Alan Taylor