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Eloquent/Laravel: is there a counterpart to object->load('relation'), eg. object->unload('relation')?

When i update a relation, e.g. update parent_id on Child (Child belongsTo Parent, Parent hasMany Child) and respond with the Child->Parent object, somehow the returned Parent is still the old one. I think this is because the Parent is already loaded at that time.

I now want to unlaod the relations so the new Parent is fetched from db again.

Is there a way to unload the loaded relationships? Like you can lazy-load by using model->load('relation'), can you also unload it again?

Thanks a lot!

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jsphpl Avatar asked Nov 04 '14 09:11


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1 Answers

Unloading relations can be done by passing an empty array to the model


when you call a relation on the model after that, it will be reloaded at that moment.

.. in the current version (5.x) at least, maybe not at the time of your question :)

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CommonToast Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09
