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Eliminate: ISP Injects Pages with Iframe Script for Ads

So my ISP (Smartfren; Indonesia) has decided to start injecting all non-SSL pages with an iframing script that allows them to insert ads into pages. Here's what's happening:

  1. My browser sends a request to the server. ISP intercepts it and instead returns a javascript that loads the requested page inside an iframe.

  2. Aside being annoying in principle, this injection also breaks any number of standard page functionality; and presents possible security hazards.

What I've tried to do so far:

  1. Using a GreaseMonkey script to nix away the injected code and redirect to the original URL. Result: Breaks some legitimate iframes. Also, the ISP's code gets executed, because GreaseMonkey only kicks in after the page is loaded.

  2. Using Privoxy for a local proxy and setting up a filter to clean up the injection and replace it with a plain javascript redirect to the original URL. Result: Breaks some legitimate iframes. ISP's code never gets to the browser.

You can view the GreaseMonkey and Privoxy fixes I've been working on at the following paste: http://pastebin.com/sKQTvgY2 ... along with a sample of the ISP's injection.

Ideally I could configure Privoxy to immediately resend the request when the alteration is detected, instead of filtering out the injected JS and replacing it with a JS redirection to the original URL. (The ISP-injection gets switched off when the same request is resent without delay.) I'm yet to figure out how to accomplish that. I believe it'd fix the iframe-breaking problem.

I know I could switch to a VPN or use the Tor browser. (Or change the ISP.) I'm hoping there's another way around. Any suggestions on how to eliminate this nuisance?

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Markus AO Avatar asked May 28 '15 11:05

Markus AO

2 Answers

Actually now I have a solution: The ISP proxy react on the Accept: header that the browser sends.

So this is the default for firefox:

Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8

Now we are going to change this default:

And set it to: Accept: */*

Here is how to setup header hacker for google chrome

Set the title to anything you like:NO IFRAME

Append/replace select replace with

String */*

And Match string to .* and then click add.

In the permanent header switches Set domain to .* and select the rule you just created

PS: changing it in the firefox settings does not work 100% because some request like ajax seem to bypass it so a plugin is the only way as it literally intercepts every outgoing browser request

That's it no more iframes!!!

Hope this helps!

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steven Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 06:09


UPDATE: Use DNSCrypt is the best solution 😁

OLD ANSWER Im using this method

  1. Find resource that contain iframe code (use chrome dev tool) iframe js
  2. Block the url with proxy or host file

I'm using linux, so i edited my hosts file on /etc/hosts Example : ibnads.xl.co.id

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Sucipto Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 06:09
