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Elegant way to try/except a series of BeautifulSoup commands?

I'm parsing webpages on a site displaying item data. These items have about 20 fields which may or may not occur -- say: price, quantity, last purchased, high, low, etc.

I'm currently using a series of commands; about 20 lines of soup.find('div',{'class':SOME_FIELD_OF_INTEREST}) to look for each separate field of interest. (Some are in div, span, dd, and so on, so it's difficult to just do a soup.find_all('div') command.)

My question: Is there an elegant way to try and except everything such that the viewing of said code can be more compact or concise? Right now a sample line would look like:

    soup.find('div', {'id':'item-pic'}).img["src"]

I was hoping to combine everything in one line. I don't think I can syntactically run try: <line of code> except: <code>, and I'm not sure how I'd write a function that goes try_command(soup.find('div',{'id':'item-pic'}).img["src"]) without actually running the command.

I'd love to hear if anybody has any advice (including: "this isn't possible/practical, move on"). :)

EDIT: After talking a bit, I guess I wanted to see what is good practice for inline exception handling, and if that's the right route to take.

like image 250
binarysolo Avatar asked Dec 09 '12 01:12


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1 Answers

maybe something like that:

def try_these(start_obj, *args) :
        obj = start_obj
        for trythat in args :
            if obj is None :
                return None
            try :
                if isinstance(trythat, str) :
                    obj = getattr(obj, trythat)
                else :
                    method, opts = trythat
                    obj = getattr(obj, method)(*opts)
            except :
                return None
        return obj    
src = try_these(soup, ('find', ({'id':'item-pic'},),), 
                      ('get', ('src',),) )

where you can pass str to get attribute from object or tuple (str method, tuple params), finally you'll get None or result. I'm not familiar with soup so I'm not sure if get('src') would be a good approach (as probably its not a dict), anyway you can easily modify that snippet to accept something more than only 'call or attr'.

Inspired by your question I wrote simple python module that helps to deal with such situation, you can find it here

import silentcrawler    

wrapped = silentcrawler.wrap(soup)
# just return None on failure
print wrapped.find('div', {'id':'item-pic'}).img["src"].value_

# or
def on_success(value) :
    print 'found value:', value
wrapped = silentcrawler.wrap(soup, success=on_success)
# call on_success if everything will be ok
wrapped.find('div', {'id':'item-pic'}).img["src"].value_ 

there is more possibilities

like image 162
lupatus Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 23:09
