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Elegant way to get index of filter or first with RX Java

I'm just practicing RX Java and wanted to get the position in an array for items which match a filter. I can't see any obvious way to do it. I was looking at maybe zipping a range and iterable observable or something but it was quickly getting way more verbose and complicated than for loops.

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Nathan Schwermann Avatar asked May 09 '15 18:05

Nathan Schwermann

3 Answers

There is not one correct way to do this. Samuel's answer can be one. It also depends the bigger picture on what is you array and how you need to handle the results in the subscriber.

Here is a (java7) example where the Observer emits a ArrayList<String>:

strings.map(new Func1<ArrayList<String>, ArrayList<Integer>>() {
            public ArrayList<Integer> call(ArrayList<String> strings) {
                ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
                for(String string: strings){
                return list;
        }).subscribe(new Action1<ArrayList<Integer>>() {
            public void call(ArrayList<Integer> integers) {

And here is an example where the Observer emits a String per time from your ArrayList:

final ArrayList<String> strings1 = new ArrayList<>();
        .filter(new Func1<String, Boolean>() {
            public Boolean call(String s) {
                return !s.isEmpty();
        .subscribe(new Action1<String>() {
            public void call(String s) {
                int i = strings1.indexOf(s);
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Diolor Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 21:11


There used to be mapWithIndex and zipWithIndex operators in RxJava, but they were removed, see here why.

So you have to write some library boilerplate once:

class Indexed<T> {
    final int index;
    final T value;
    public Indexed(T value, int index) {
        this.index = index;
        this.value = value;
    public String toString() {
        return index + ") " + value;

Iterable<Integer> naturals = IntStream.iterate(0, i -> i + 1)::iterator;

But then, you can get it reasonably concise:

Observable<String> obs = Observable.just("zero", "one", "two", "three");
obs.zipWith(naturals, (s, i) -> new Indexed<String>(s, i))
   .filter(e -> e.value.length() > 4)
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Samuel Gruetter Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 23:11

Samuel Gruetter

I like Samuel's answer. I've written a Transformer implementation of his stuff which is Java 6/7 compliant and uses a Long index (I have long streams to deal with!).

You call it like this:

Observable.just("a", "b").compose(MapWithIndex.<String>instance());

Here's the class (source and unit tests here):

package com.github.davidmoten.util;

import java.util.Iterator;

import rx.Observable;
import rx.Observable.Transformer;
import rx.functions.Func2;

import com.github.davidmoten.util.MapWithIndex.Indexed;

public final class MapWithIndex<T> implements Transformer<T, Indexed<T>> {

    private static class Holder {
        static final MapWithIndex<?> INSTANCE = new MapWithIndex<Object>();

    public static <T> MapWithIndex<T> instance() {
        return (MapWithIndex<T>) Holder.INSTANCE;

    public Observable<Indexed<T>> call(Observable<T> source) {

        return source.zipWith(NaturalNumbers.instance(), new Func2<T, Long, Indexed<T>>() {

            public Indexed<T> call(T t, Long n) {
                return new Indexed<T>(t, n);

    public static class Indexed<T> {
        private final long index;
        private final T value;

        public Indexed(T value, long index) {
            this.index = index;
            this.value = value;

        public String toString() {
            return index + "->" + value;

        public long index() {
            return index;

        public T value() {
            return value;


    private static final class NaturalNumbers implements Iterable<Long> {

        private static class Holder {
            static final NaturalNumbers INSTANCE = new NaturalNumbers();

        static NaturalNumbers instance() {
            return Holder.INSTANCE;

        public Iterator<Long> iterator() {
            return new Iterator<Long>() {

                private long n = 0;

                public boolean hasNext() {
                    return true;

                public Long next() {
                    return n++;

                public void remove() {
                    throw new RuntimeException("not supported");


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Dave Moten Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 21:11

Dave Moten