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Elegant way to delete items in a list which do not has substrings that appear in another list

Recently I encountered this problem:

Say there is a list of something I want to process:


And I want to exclude something using another list, for instance:


The process_list should be like this after I apply the exclude_list to it( any process_list item that contains a sub:


or if the exclude_list is: exclude_list=["pen","banana"]

The process_list should be this after apply the filter:


So what I was trying at first was:

for item in exclude_list:
    for name in (process_list):
        if item in name:

Of course this didn't work because removing elements from the list while iterating over it using a for loop is not permitted. The code only removed the first match and then stopped.

So then I came up a way to do this with another list:

deletion_list=[] #Track names that need to be deleted
for item in exclude_list:
    for name in (process_list):
        if item in name:
# A list comprehension
process_list=[ x for x in process_list if x not in deletion_list ]  

It works, but my guts tell me there may be a more elegant way. Now it need s another list to store the name need to be deleted. Any ideas?

like image 330
Archeosudoerus Avatar asked Nov 24 '16 16:11


1 Answers

You may use the list comprehension expression using all() filter as:

# Here: `p` is the entry from `process_list`
#       `e` is the entry from `exclude_list`

>>> [p for p in process_list if all(e not in p for e in exclude_list)]                              
['/test/fruit/banana', '/test/animal/penguin']

Regarding your statement:

Of course this didn't work because removing elements from the list while iterating over it using a for loop is not permitted. The code only removed the first match and then stopped.

You could have iterate over the copy of the list as:

 for item in list(exclude_list):  # OR, for item in exclude_list[:]:
 #              ^-- Creates new copy ----------------------------^           
like image 100
Moinuddin Quadri Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09

Moinuddin Quadri