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Elasticsearch - timeout when deleting index

i have cluster in red status and heap size is almost full...i need delete some index but i have a timeout error

{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"process_cluster_event_timeout_exception","reason":"failed to process cluster event (delete-index [my.index-2016.08.01]) within 30s"}],"type":"process_cluster_event_timeout_exception","reason":"failed to process cluster event (delete-index [my.index-2016.08.01]) within 30s"},"status":503}

I can delete index in red status?

like image 333
hellb0y77 Avatar asked Dec 06 '16 15:12


2 Answers

What if you try and increase your master_timeout value within your request itself?

curl -XDELETE yourhost:9200/index?master_timeout=60s

These threads could help you:

  • Ref 1

  • Ref 2

like image 190
Kulasangar Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 20:09


I resolved disabling shard allocation, i could erase indexes, just finished, i reactivated allocation

like image 26
hellb0y77 Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 20:09
