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Elasticsearch terms filter returns no results

I have a bunch of documents with an array field like this:

{ "feed_uids": ["math.CO", "cs.IT"] }

I would like to find all documents that contain some subset of these values i.e. treat them as tags. Documentation leads me to believe a terms filter should work:

{ "query": { "filtered": { "filter": { "terms": { "feed_uids": [ "cs.IT" ] } } } } }

However, the query matches nothing. What am I doing wrong?

like image 338
Mispy Avatar asked Mar 05 '14 09:03


1 Answers

The terms-filter works as you expect. I guess your problem here is that you have a mapping where feed_uids is using the standard analyzer.

This is quite a common problem which is described in a bit more depth here: Troubleshooting Elasticsearch searches, for Beginners

Here is a runnable example showcasing how it works if you specify "index": "not_analyzed" for the field: https://www.found.no/play/gist/bc957d515597ec8262ab


export ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT="http://localhost:9200"

# Create indexes

    "mappings": {
        "type": {
            "properties": {
                "feed_uids": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "index": "not_analyzed"

# Index documents
curl -XPOST "$ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT/_bulk?refresh=true" -d '

# Do searches

curl -XPOST "$ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT/_search?pretty" -d '
    "query": {
        "filtered": {
            "filter": {
                "terms": {
                    "feed_uids": [
like image 188
Alex Brasetvik Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 11:10

Alex Brasetvik