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Elasticsearch JAR hell error

I created a Java file using Elasticsearch Java API. in NetBeans, everything worked just fine.

However, I started getting the following error:

org/elasticsearch/plugins/PluginsService.java:342:in `loadBundles': java.lang.IllegalStateException: failed to load bundle [file:/D:/ELK-2.0/elasticsearch-2.0.0/plugins/license/license-2.0.0.jar, file:/D:/ELK-2.0/elasticsearch-2.0.0/plugins/license/license-core-2.0.0.jar, file:/D:/ELK-2.0/elasticsearch-2.0.0/plugins/license/license-plugin-api-2.0.0.jar, file:/D:/ELK-2.0/elasticsearch-2.0.0/plugins/marvel-agent/marvel-agent-2.0.0.jar] due to jar hell
        from org/elasticsearch/plugins/PluginsService.java:113:in `<init>'
        from org/elasticsearch/node/Node.java:144:in `<init>'
        from org/elasticsearch/node/NodeBuilder.java:145:in `build'
        from spamdetection/SpamDetection.java:63:in `client'
        from spamdetection/SpamDetection.java:30:in `SpammerDetector'
        from java/lang/reflect/Method.java:497:in `invoke'
        from spam.rb:53:in `(root)'
        from spam.rb:53:in `(root)'
Caused by:
JarHell.java:120:in `parseClassPath': java.lang.IllegalStateException: Classpath should not contain empty elements! (outdated shell script from a previous version?) classpath=''
        from JarHell.java:95:in `parseClassPath'
        from PluginsService.java:338:in `loadBundles'
        from PluginsService.java:113:in `<init>'
        from Node.java:144:in `<init>'
        from NodeBuilder.java:145:in `build'
        from SpamDetection.java:63:in `client'
        from SpamDetection.java:30:in `SpammerDetector'
        from NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:-2:in `invoke0'
        from NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62:in `invoke'
        from DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43:in `invoke'
        from Method.java:497:in `invoke'
        from JavaMethod.java:451:in `invokeDirectWithExceptionHandling'
        from JavaMethod.java:312:in `invokeDirect'
        from InstanceMethodInvoker.java:45:in `call'
        from CachingCallSite.java:326:in `cacheAndCall'
        from CachingCallSite.java:170:in `call'
        from spam.rb:53:in `__file__'
        from spam.rb:-1:in `load'
        from Ruby.java:857:in `runScript'
        from Ruby.java:850:in `runScript'
        from Ruby.java:729:in `runNormally'
        from Ruby.java:578:in `runFromMain'
        from Main.java:395:in `doRunFromMain'
        from Main.java:290:in `internalRun'
        from Main.java:217:in `run'
        from Main.java:197:in `main'

When trying to call my Java JAR file from JRuby. What's causing this error?

like image 395
hello_its_me Avatar asked Nov 28 '22 20:11


1 Answers

You can create a package named org.elasticsearch.bootstrap in your src/test/java, and put this class in there:

package org.elasticsearch.bootstrap;
import java.net.URL;
public class JarHell {
    private JarHell() {}
    public static void checkJarHell() throws Exception {}
    public static void checkJarHell(URL urls[]) throws Exception {}
    public static void checkVersionFormat(String targetVersion) {}
    public static void checkJavaVersion(String resource, String targetVersion) {}
    public static URL[] parseClassPath() {return new URL[]{};}

This has the advantage that the production code that uses the node builder to initialize the node can stay clean of any hacks, jar hell check is disabled only in the unit tests.

like image 155
Antoni Myłka Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 13:12

Antoni Myłka