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ElasticSearch for Time Series Data [closed]

I am evaluating a number of different NoSQL databases to store time series JSON data. ElasticSearch has been very interesting due to the query engine, I just don't know how well it is suited to storing time series data.

The data is composed of various metrics and stats collected at various intervals from devices. Each piece of data is a JSON object. I expect to collect around 12GB/day, but only need to keep the data in ES for 180 days.

Would ElasticSearch be a good fit for this data vs MongoDB or Hbase?

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Patrick Avatar asked Jul 22 '14 14:07


People also ask

Is Elasticsearch good for time series data?

Elasticsearch offers features to help you store, manage, and search time series data, such as logs and metrics. Once in Elasticsearch, you can analyze and visualize your data using Kibana and other Elastic Stack features.

Is Metricbeat free?

Open and free to use.

How do I create a timestamp field for an Elasticsearch index?

If you're running Elasticsearch version 6.5 or newer, you can use the index. default_pipeline settings to create a timestamp field for an index. This can be accomplished by using the Ingest API and creating a pipeline at the time your index is created.

What is data stream in Elasticsearch?

A data stream lets you store append-only time series data across multiple indices while giving you a single named resource for requests. Data streams are well-suited for logs, events, metrics, and other continuously generated data. You can submit indexing and search requests directly to a data stream.

1 Answers

You can read up on ElasticSearch time-series use-case example here.

But I think columnar databases are a better fit for your requirements.

My understanding is that ElasticSearch works best when your queries return a small subset of results, and it caches such parameters to be used later. If same parameters are used in queries again, it can use these cached results together in union, hence returning results really fast. But in time series data, you generally need to aggregate data, which means you will be traversing a lot of rows and columns together. Such behavior is quite structured and is easy to model, in which case there does not seem to be a reason why ElasticSearch should perform better than columnar databases. On the other hand, it may provide ease of use, less tuning, etc all of which may make it more preferable.

Columnar databases generally provide a more efficient data structure for time series data. If your query structures are known well in advance, then you can use Cassandra. Beware that if your queries request without using the primary key, Cassandra will not be performant. You may need to create different tables with the same data for different queries, as its read speed is dependent on the way it writes to disk. You need to learn its intricacies, a time-series example is here.

Another columnar database that you can try is the columnar extension provided for Postgresql. Considering that your max db size will be about 180 * 12 = 2.16 TB, this method should work perfectly, and may actually be your best option. You can also expect some significant size compression of about 3x. You can learn more about it here.

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SerkanSerttop Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 15:11
