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Elasticsearch fails silently if document has mapping mismatch for a field

I am facing a weird issue with Elasticsearch. My mapping specifies that a certain field is of type long. Now accidentally I was trying to index some documents which had string type for that field instead of long. I was getting no errors from Elasticsearch but the documents were never indexed. When I fixed the issue the documents were indexed just fine.


My mapping:

    "field1": {
        "type": "long"

When I send this document it fails silently:

     "field1": "this is a string"

When I send this it works as expected:

     "field1": 12345

Is there a way to detect this kind of errors?

like image 669
George Eracleous Avatar asked Jun 14 '14 21:06

George Eracleous

2 Answers

I suspect your mapping looks similar to this:

    "long_field": {
        "type": "long"

If that's the case, you can set the coerce flag to false as it is true by default and will always try to convert strings to numbers and truncate fractions for integers.

    "long_field": {
        "type": "long",
        "coerce": false

If you do this, the next time you try to index a long field as a string, ES will tell you this:

MapperParsingException[failed to parse [long_field]]; nested: IllegalArgumentException[Long value passed as String]; 
like image 178
Val Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09


If you set ignore_malformed string to false. It would not index the document if it is malformed but throws an exception. At least in elasticsearch 1.6.0.


put test

put test/test/_mapping 
    "properties" : {
        "title" : {"type" : "string"},
        "data" : {"type": "long" ,"ignore_malformed":false}


put test/test/1
    "data" : "1",
    "title" : "valid coerce string to number"

put test/test/2
    "data" : "hello",
    "title" : "invalid number"

#Failed Response
   "error": "MapperParsingException[failed to parse [data]]; nested: NumberFormatException[For input string: \"hello\"]; ",
   "status": 400

Query with Get fails

get test/test/2

   "_index": "test",
   "_type": "test",
   "_id": "2",
   "found": false
like image 37
keety Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
