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Elasticsearch - Create field using script if doesn't exist

Is there a way to dynamically add fields using scripts? I am running a script that checks whether a field exists. If not then creates it.

I'm trying out:

script: 'if (ctx._source.attending == null) { ctx._source.attending = { events: newField } } else if (ctx._source.attending.events == null) { ctx._source.attending.events = newField } else { ctx._source.attending.events += newField }'

Except unless I have a field in my _source explicitly named attending in my case, I get:

[Error: ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException[failed to execute script];
nested: PropertyAccessException[
    [Error: could not access: attending; in class: java.util.LinkedHashMap]
like image 477
Maruf Avatar asked Nov 17 '14 15:11


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1 Answers

To check whether a field exists use the ctx._source.containsKey function, e.g.:

curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9200/myindex/message/1/_update" -d'
   "script": "if (!ctx._source.containsKey(\"attending\")) { ctx._source.attending = newField }",
   "params" : {"newField" : "blue" },
   "myfield": "data"
like image 193
Olly Cruickshank Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11

Olly Cruickshank