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Either zero or 2 or more [DropdownMenuItem]s were detected with the same value

I am new to Flutter but I am trying to create a DropdownButtonFormField and it is not working. I am getting an error that says I have duplicate values. What is interesting is that I do not have a list with duplicate values. I have found a similar question on SO and the solution says to initiate the strings with a value and that the user was duplicating a list item, but I have a similar solution for another another list and it seems to work fine. I cannot figure out why it is not working here. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Error Message:

There should be exactly one item with [DropdownButton]'s value: 0. 
Either zero or 2 or more [DropdownMenuItem]s were detected with the same value
Failed assertion: line 1411 pos 15: 'items == null || items.isEmpty || value == null ||
              items.where((DropdownMenuItem<T> item) {
                return item.value == value;
              }).length == 1'
The relevant error-causing widget was: 

ProfileForm Class:

final List<String> accountType = ['Educator', 'School Administrator', 'Parent'];

  String _currentAccountType;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final user = Provider.of<User>(context);
    return StreamBuilder<UserProfile>(
        stream: DatabaseService(uid: user.uid).userProfileData,
        builder: (context, snapshot) {
          if (snapshot.hasData) {
            UserProfile userProfileData = snapshot.data;
            return Form(
              key: _formKey,
              child: Column(
                children: <Widget>[
                  SizedBox(height: 20.0),
                    decoration: textInputDecoration,
                    value: _currentAccountType ?? userProfileData.accountType,
                    items: accountType.map((accountType) {
                      return DropdownMenuItem(
                        value: accountType,
                        child: Text(accountType),
                    onChanged: (val) {
                      setState(() {
                        _currentAccountType = val;

Database Class

class DatabaseService {
  final String uid;

  final CollectionReference userProfileCollection =

  Future updateUserProfile(
      String accountType,
      String birthDate,
      String courseName,
      String dateJoined,
      String email,
      String firstName,
      String lastName,
      String schoolName,
      String title) async {
    return await userProfileCollection.document(uid).setData({
      'accountType': accountType,
      'birthDate': birthDate,
      'courseName': courseName,
      'dateJoined': dateJoined,
      'email': email,
      'firstName': firstName,
      'lastName': lastName,
      'schoolName': schoolName,
      'title': title,

  //User Profile from snapshot
  List<Profile> _userProfileListFromSnapshot(QuerySnapshot snapshot) {
    return snapshot.documents.map((doc) {
      return Profile(
        accountType: doc.data['accountType'] ?? '',
        birthDate: doc.data['birthDate'] ?? '',
        courseName: doc.data['courseName'] ?? '',
        dateJoined: doc.data['dateJoined'] ?? '',
        email: doc.data['email'] ?? '',
        firstName: doc.data['firstName'] ?? '',
        lastName: doc.data['lastName'] ?? '',
        schoolName: doc.data['schoolName'] ?? '',
        title: doc.data['title'] ?? '',

  UserProfile _userProfileFromSnapshot(DocumentSnapshot snapshot) {
    return UserProfile(
      uid: uid,
      accountType: snapshot.data['accountType'],
      birthDate: snapshot.data['birthDate'],
      courseName: snapshot.data['courseName'],
      dateJoined: snapshot.data['dateJoined'],
      email: snapshot.data['email'],
      firstName: snapshot.data['firstName'],
      lastName: snapshot.data['lastName'],
      schoolName: snapshot.data['schoolName'],
      title: snapshot.data['title'],

  Stream<List<Profile>> get userProfile {
    return userProfileCollection.snapshots().map(_userProfileListFromSnapshot);

  Stream<UserProfile> get userProfileData {
    return userProfileCollection
like image 888
Part_Time_Nerd Avatar asked Jan 27 '20 04:01


3 Answers

userProfileData.accountType is '0', not 'Educator' or 'School Administrator' or 'Parent'.

Success: value must in items.value

 final List<String> accountType = ['Educator', 'School Administrator', 'Parent'];

                    decoration: textInputDecoration,
                    value: accountType[0],
                    items: accountType.map((accountType) {
                      return DropdownMenuItem(
                        value: accountType,
                        child: Text(accountType),
                    onChanged: (val) {
                      setState(() {
                        _currentAccountType = val;

Failed: There should be exactly one item with [DropdownButton]'s value: hahaha

 final List<String> accountType = ['Educator', 'School Administrator', 'Parent'];

                    decoration: textInputDecoration,
                    value: 'hahaha',
                    items: accountType.map((accountType) {
                      return DropdownMenuItem(
                        value: accountType,
                        child: Text(accountType),
                    onChanged: (val) {
                      setState(() {
                        _currentAccountType = val;
like image 95
Kahou Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 15:10


It seems that there is some clash when using 'hint:' and 'value:' simultaneously. My approach was to add a global _selected in the Widget's State:

bool _selected;

and then in the DropdownButton itself:

value: _selected ? _userChoice: null,

In this way you actually use one of the item values once they are set.

Here is an entire example taken from some traning code (excuse the silliness ;)

class FavoriteCity extends StatefulWidget {
  State<StatefulWidget> createState() {
    return _FavoriteCityState();

class _FavoriteCityState extends State<FavoriteCity> {
  String nameCity = '';
  String _loveLevel = '';
  bool _selected = false;
  var _howMuchLoved = ['A little', 'So so', 'Quite a bit', 'A lot', 'Greatly'];

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    print('Widget Built');
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text('Favorite city app'),
        elevation: 8.0,
      body: Container(
        margin: EdgeInsets.all(20.0),
        child: Column(
          children: <Widget>[
              onSubmitted: (String userInput) {
                setState(() {
                  print('State rebuilt');
                  nameCity = userInput;
              hint: Text('How much do you love the city?'),
              items: _howMuchLoved.map((String myMenuItem) {
                return DropdownMenuItem<String>(
                  value: myMenuItem,
                  child: Text(myMenuItem),
              onChanged: (String valueSelectedByUser) {
              value: _selected ? _loveLevel : null,
              isDense: true,
              padding: EdgeInsets.all(20.0),
              child: Text(
                'Your favorite city is $nameCity ! \n ... and you love it $_loveLevel',
                style: TextStyle(
                  fontSize: 20.0,
                  fontStyle: FontStyle.italic,

  void _dropDownItemSelected(String valueSelectedByUser) {
    setState(() {
      this._loveLevel = valueSelectedByUser;
      _selected = true;
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Łukasz Garczynski Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 15:10

Łukasz Garczynski

In my case, below change resolved the error:

Error scenario:

var itemList=['Alpha','Beta','Cat'];
var itemSelected='Zebra';

Working scenario:

var itemList=['Alpha','Beta','Cat'];
var itemSelected='Cat'; //Can be Alpha, Beta or Cat but not any other value

Dropdown widget code:

                    items: itemList.map((String singleItem){
                          return DropdownMenuItem<String>(
                            value: singleItem,

                    onChanged: (String itemChosen){
                      setState(() {
                   value:itemSelected ,


Having the 'itemSelected' variable value same as one of the elements in the list resolved the problem for me.

like image 40
NBM Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 17:10