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EINVRES Request to https://bower.herokuapp.com/packages/ failed with 502

Bower is deprecating their registry hosted with Heroku. http://bower.herokuapp.com/ Will not be accessible anymore or it might be down intermittently, therefore, forcing users to a new registry.

Users working on old bower versions can update the .bowerrc file with the following data.

  "registry": "https://registry.bower.io"

.bowerrc file can be located at the same folder where bower.json and bower_components folder is located. If it is not present already, you can make one.

For references check the below links

  • https://twitter.com/bower/status/918073147789889536
  • https://gist.github.com/sheerun/c04d856a7a368bad2896ff0c4958cb00

Simplest solution is to just upgrade bower to latest version

If installed via NPM:

npm i -g bower

When using asp.net core then should change something like this. bowerrc.json you can find inside project folder.

     "registry": "https://registry.bower.io",
     "directory": "wwwroot/lib"

If you use windows to install npm, You must run "Node.js command prompt" with administrator and run this command: npm i -g bower. I tried and worked :)