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efilogin-helper running continuously at high cpu on MacBook Pro [closed]


There is a process launched by launchd called efilogin-helper running as root, which is continuously running at high CPU load (60% to 120%)

Do you know what this process is and how I can get it under control?

There is surprisingly little information on Google.

Also, what would be a good debug method to go about solving these sorts of issues myself?

like image 746
T33C Avatar asked Jul 06 '17 21:07


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1 Answers

Go to system preferences => Desktop & Screen Saver

Select Apple->Desktop Pictures and choose the first option.

efilogin-helper will eventually quit after about a minute and no longer be a problem.

Bizarre but true!

(Once you have confirmed that you have indeed resolved the issue you can then probably reselect your preferred wallpaper without a problem.)

like image 111
T33C Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09
