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Efficiently create a density plot for high-density regions, points for sparse regions

I need to make a plot that functions like a density plot for high-density regions on the plot, but below some threshold uses individual points. I couldn't find any existing code that looked similar to what I need in the matplotlib thumbnail gallery or from google searches. I have a working code I wrote myself, but it is somewhat tricky and (more importantly) takes an unacceptably long time when the number of points/bins is large. Here is the code:

import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pylab
import numpy.random

#Create the colormap:
halfpurples = {'blue': [(0.0,1.0,1.0),(0.000001, 0.78431373834609985, 0.78431373834609985),
(0.25, 0.729411780834198, 0.729411780834198), (0.5,
0.63921570777893066, 0.63921570777893066), (0.75,
0.56078433990478516, 0.56078433990478516), (1.0, 0.49019607901573181,

    'green': [(0.0,1.0,1.0),(0.000001,
    0.60392159223556519, 0.60392159223556519), (0.25,
    0.49019607901573181, 0.49019607901573181), (0.5,
    0.31764706969261169, 0.31764706969261169), (0.75,
    0.15294118225574493, 0.15294118225574493), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)],

    'red': [(0.0,1.0,1.0),(0.000001,
    0.61960786581039429, 0.61960786581039429), (0.25,
    0.50196081399917603, 0.50196081399917603), (0.5,
    0.41568627953529358, 0.41568627953529358), (0.75,
    0.32941177487373352, 0.32941177487373352), (1.0,
    0.24705882370471954, 0.24705882370471954)]} 

halfpurplecmap = mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('halfpurples',halfpurples,256)

#Create x,y arrays of normally distributed points
npts = 1000
x = numpy.random.standard_normal(npts)
y = numpy.random.standard_normal(npts)

#Set bin numbers in both axes
nxbins = 25
nybins = 25

#Set the cutoff for resolving the individual points
minperbin = 1

#Make the density histrogram
H, yedges, xedges = np.histogram2d(y,x,bins=(nybins,nxbins))
#Reorient the axes
H =  H[::-1]

extent = [xedges[0],xedges[-1],yedges[0],yedges[-1]]

#Compute all bins where the density plot value is below (or equal to) the threshold
lowxleftedges = [[xedges[i] for j in range(len(H[:,i])) if H[j,i] <= minperbin] for i in range(len(H[0,:]))] 
lowxrightedges = [[xedges[i+1] for j in range(len(H[:,i])) if H[j,i] <= minperbin] for i in range(len(H[0,:]))] 
lowyleftedges = [[yedges[-(j+2)] for j in range(len(H[:,i])) if H[j,i] <= minperbin] for i in range(len(H[0,:]))]
lowyrightedges = [[yedges[-(j+1)] for j in range(len(H[:,i])) if H[j,i] <= minperbin] for i in range(len(H[0,:]))]

#Flatten and convert to numpy array
lowxleftedges = np.asarray([item for sublist in lowxleftedges for item in sublist])
lowxrightedges = np.asarray([item for sublist in lowxrightedges for item in sublist])
lowyleftedges = np.asarray([item for sublist in lowyleftedges for item in sublist])
lowyrightedges = np.asarray([item for sublist in lowyrightedges for item in sublist])

#Find all points that lie in these regions
lowdatax = [[x[i] for j in range(len(lowxleftedges)) if lowxleftedges[j] <= x[i] and x[i] <= lowxrightedges[j] and lowyleftedges[j] <= y[i] and y[i] <= lowyrightedges[j]] for i in range(len(x))]
lowdatay = [[y[i] for j in range(len(lowyleftedges)) if lowxleftedges[j] <= x[i] and x[i] <= lowxrightedges[j] and lowyleftedges[j] <= y[i] and y[i] <= lowyrightedges[j]] for i in range(len(y))]

#Flatten and convert into numpy array
lowdatax = np.asarray([item for sublist in lowdatax for item in sublist])
lowdatay = np.asarray([item for sublist in lowdatay for item in sublist])

fig1 = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111)
cp1 = ax1.imshow(H,interpolation='nearest',extent=extent,cmap=halfpurplecmap,vmin=minperbin)


This code produces an image that looks like this:

countour test

However, when used on larger data sets the program takes several seconds to minutes. Any thoughts on how to speed this up? Thanks!

like image 420
Singularity Avatar asked May 03 '12 22:05


1 Answers

This should do it:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt, numpy as np, numpy.random, scipy

#histogram definition
xyrange = [[-5,5],[-5,5]] # data range
bins = [100,100] # number of bins
thresh = 3  #density threshold

#data definition
N = 1e5;
xdat, ydat = np.random.normal(size=N), np.random.normal(1, 0.6, size=N)

# histogram the data
hh, locx, locy = scipy.histogram2d(xdat, ydat, range=xyrange, bins=bins)
posx = np.digitize(xdat, locx)
posy = np.digitize(ydat, locy)

#select points within the histogram
ind = (posx > 0) & (posx <= bins[0]) & (posy > 0) & (posy <= bins[1])
hhsub = hh[posx[ind] - 1, posy[ind] - 1] # values of the histogram where the points are
xdat1 = xdat[ind][hhsub < thresh] # low density points
ydat1 = ydat[ind][hhsub < thresh]
hh[hh < thresh] = np.nan # fill the areas with low density by NaNs

plt.imshow(np.flipud(hh.T),cmap='jet',extent=np.array(xyrange).flatten(), interpolation='none', origin='upper')
plt.plot(xdat1, ydat1, '.',color='darkblue')


like image 191
sega_sai Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09
