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Efficient way to loop over 2D array

I have a 2D array 2000x4000 and, for each cell in the array, I have to compare the value of the cell versus the standard deviation of a mask made by the 10 neighboring cells (in +/- X and +/- Y).

For example this is what I'm doing right now:

import numpy as np
from astropy.stats import sigma_clipped_stats

for row in range(N,a.shape[0]-N):
    for column in range(N,a.shape[1]-N):
        mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(Bpmap_data, sigma=3,iters=5)

This has the obvious problem that I'm making 2000x4000=8000000 loops and it's taking very long. What I need is to find a very efficient way to perform these operations but I have no idea how.

like image 627
Giovanni Maria Strampelli Avatar asked Jun 12 '19 13:06

Giovanni Maria Strampelli

2 Answers

We generally avoid using double-for loop with numpy; it's slow and with smart indexing (array[:, i-N]...) we can do a lot in a single loop.
But for your convolution problem, it might be the easiest ~~(and only ?)~~ way to do what you want. (edit: it's not. See below @Masoud's answer).

Bpmap_data=np.array(a[row-N:row+N,column-N:column+N].ravel()) is creating a new array at each loop.
Computing median and std without creating a new array (ie using the numpy view directly) would be much faster.

In fact, it's 40 times faster (on my google colab instance)

To get a 400 times faster algo, please look at @Masoud answer that is using scipy filter for 2D-array.

import numpy as np
from astropy.stats import sigma_clipped_stats


def f():
  """Your original code"""
  for row in range(N,a.shape[0]-N):
      for column in range(N,a.shape[1]-N):
          mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(Bpmap_data, sigma=3,iters=5)
  return BPmap

def f2():
  """this little guy is improving a lot your work"""
  for row in range(N,a.shape[0]-N):
      for column in range(N,a.shape[1]-N):
          # the next 3 lines do not need any more memory
          view = a[row-N:row+N,column-N:column+N]
          std_without_outliers = view[view - view.mean() < 3*view.std()].std()
          median = np.median(view)
          # back to your workflow
  return BPmap

%time _ = f()
%time _ = f2()

f() == f2()
>>>CPU times: user 39.7 s, sys: 14.2 ms, total: 39.7 s
Wall time: 39.7 s
CPU times: user 969 ms, sys: 2.99 ms, total: 972 ms
Wall time: 976 ms

In fact, sigma_clipped_stats(a[row-N:row+N,column-N:column+N]) does slow down the loop. I suspect sigma_clipped_stats of creating a copy of its argument.

im taking the std after getting rid of outliers from a 3 sigma cut

I'm showing here a way to do this with pure numpy; this is really faster than the function you used before.

In the end, f() = f2() so why using this astropy function anymore ?

like image 90
politinsa Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09


There are some issues with the code that decrease the performance:

  1. As described here, avoid using for-loops.
  2. You are actually squaring each number 10*10 times.

Instead of for-loop, you can use Scipy.ndimage and opencv librarians to perform convolution. Whereas these libraries are used for image processing, they are so efficient for processing any 2D array. Here is a code that perform the same task as required using Scipy.ndimage tools, but 1000X faster (23ms vs 27s for a 200X400 array). I used an algorithm provided here to calculate standard deviation:

import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage.filters import uniform_filter, median_filter

c1 = uniform_filter(a, size = (10,10))
c2 = uniform_filter(a*a, size = (10,10))
std = ((c2 - c1*c1)**.5)
med = median_filter(a, size=(10, 10))

BPmap = (a - med)/std
like image 33
Masoud Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09
