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Efficient way to bind once but allowing to refresh the whole items

Let's suppose a list of 1000 items displayed with infinite scrolling.

Each item displays: a person's firstName, lastName, and mood. (to make it simple)

Initially, I didn't want to listen for updates.
So the great angular-bindonce directive or even better: angular 1.3 one-binding feature made the trick.

Now, I created a pull-to-refresh component, allowing to refresh the whole items.
However, as binding once, (and not reloading the page) my whole list didn't take the updates in account.

Using angular-bindonce, I have this currently:

<div bindonce ng-repeat="person in persons track by person.id">
  <span bo-text="person.firstName"></span>
  <span bo-text="person.lastName"></span>
  <span bo-text="person.currentMood"></span>

The pull-to-refresh triggers this function:

$scope.refresh() {
    Persons.getList(function(response)) {
      $scope.persons = response.data;  //data being an array

Question is:

Is there a way to refresh all the data ONLY when the pull-to-refresh is triggered?
In this case, I would be able to keep this one-binding that would greatly improve performance when dealing with huge lists of persons.

Until now, I'm forced to....use two-way binding, the natural way of Angular works.

More generally, how to deal with huge lists with infinite scrolling that needs to be updated only when some events are triggered?

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Mik378 Avatar asked Oct 19 '22 21:10


1 Answers

Get angular-bind-notifier.

Use native bindings (with a somewhat modified syntax) and setup your markup like so:

<div ng-repeat="person in persons track by person.id" bind-notifier="{ eventKey:watchedExpression }">
  <!-- or with ng-bind if you prefer that -->
  <span ng-bind=":eventKey:person.currentMood"></span>

Now, whenever the value of watchedExpression changes - a $broadcast will be sent down through the childscope created by bind-notifier and tell every binding with the :key:expr syntax to re-evaluate.

If you need to, you can also send the $broadcast manually in the following format:

$scope.$broadcast('$$rebind::' + key) // where 'key' === 'eventKey' in the example above.
like image 185
Kasper Lewau Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 11:10

Kasper Lewau