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Efficient way of accessing large data sets to display on Leaflet



I have a global database of objects (points on a map) that I would like to show on a Leaflet map. Instead of loading all the database (simply too big) at once and creating the objects on a Leaflet LayerGroup, is there a more efficient way to go about querying data, perhaps as each map tile loads, or am I looking at creating a custom solution for this?

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CuNimb Avatar asked Mar 22 '13 09:03


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1 Answers

You could watch the 'moveend' event on map with map.on('moveend',loadstuff), make an ajax call inside loadstuff() to grab markers inside the current map.getBounds(), and then add/remove markers(I would assume you have some sort of global identifier for each of them) whether they are inside or outside the current view.

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snkashis Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 21:10
