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Efficient chain merge in pandas

I found that straightforward chain merging with pandas library is quite inefficient when you merge a lot of datasets with a big number of columns by the same column.

The root of the problem is the same as when we join a lot of str's dumb way:

joined = reduce(lambda a + b, str_list)

Instead of:

joined = ''.join(str_list)

Doing chain merge we're copying the dataset many times (in my case almost 100 times) instead of just filling columns from several datasets at once or in order.

Is there is some efficient way (= with linear complexity by the number of sets) to chain merge by the same column a lot of datasets?

like image 572
morph Avatar asked Nov 12 '16 19:11


People also ask

Is Pandas merge efficient?

Merge can be used in cases where both the left and right columns are not unique, and therefore cannot be an index. A merge is also just as efficient as a join as long as: Merging is done on indexes if possible.

How do I merge two panda data frames?

The concat() function can be used to concatenate two Dataframes by adding the rows of one to the other. The merge() function is equivalent to the SQL JOIN clause. 'left', 'right' and 'inner' joins are all possible.

What is the difference between merging and concatenation in Pandas?

Concat function concatenates dataframes along rows or columns. We can think of it as stacking up multiple dataframes. Merge combines dataframes based on values in shared columns. Merge function offers more flexibility compared to concat function because it allows combinations based on a condition.

How do I merge two Dataframes in Pandas based on common column?

To merge two Pandas DataFrame with common column, use the merge() function and set the ON parameter as the column name.

1 Answers

If you have a list of your dataframes dfs:

dfs = [df1, df2, df3, ... , dfn]

you can join them using panda's concat function which as far as I can tell is faster than chaining merge. concat only joins dataframes based on an index (not a column) but with a little pre-processing you can simulate a merge operation.

First replace the index of each of your dataframes in dfs with the column you want to merge on. Lets say you want to merge on column "A":

dfs = [df.set_index("A", drop=True) for df in dfs]

Note that this will overwrite the previous indices (merge would do this anyway) so you might want to save these indices somewhere (if you are going to need them later for some reason).

Now we can use concat which will essentially merge on the index (which is actually your column!!)

merged = pd.concat(dfs, axis=1, keys=range(len(dfs)), join='outer', copy=False)

The join= argument can either be 'inner' or 'outer' (default). The copy= argument keeps concat from making unnecessary copies of your dataframes.

You can then either leave "A" as the index or you can make it back into a column by doing:

merged.reset_index(drop=False, inplace=True)

The keys= argument is optional and assigns a key value to each dataframe (in this case I gave it a range of integers but you could give them other labels if you want). This allows you to access columns from the original dataframes. So if you wanted to get the columns that correspond to the 20th dataframe in dfs you can call:


Without the keys= argument it can get confusing which rows are from which dataframes, especially if they have the same column names.

I'm still not entirely sure if concat runs in linear time but it is definitely faster than chaining merge:

using ipython's %timeit on lists of randomly generated dataframes (lists of 10, 100 and 1000 dataframes):

def merge_with_concat(dfs, col):                                             
    dfs = [df.set_index(col, drop=True) for df in dfs]
    merged = pd.concat(dfs, axis=1, keys=range(len(dfs)), join='outer', copy=False)
    return merged

dfs10 = [pd.util.testing.makeDataFrame() for i in range(10)] 
dfs100 = [pd.util.testing.makeDataFrame() for i in range(100)] 
dfs1000 = [pd.util.testing.makeDataFrame() for i in range(1000)] 

%timeit reduce(lambda df1, df2: df1.merge(df2, on="A", how='outer'), dfs10)
10 loops, best of 3: 45.8 ms per loop
%timeit merge_with_concat(dfs10,"A")
100 loops, best of 3: 11.7 ms per loop

%timeit merge_with_concat(dfs100,"A")
10 loops, best of 3: 139 ms per loop
%timeit reduce(lambda df1, df2: df1.merge(df2, on="A", how='outer'), dfs100)
1 loop, best of 3: 1.55 s per loop

%timeit merge_with_concat(dfs1000,"A")
1 loop, best of 3: 9.67 s per loop
%timeit reduce(lambda df1, df2: df1.merge(df2, on="A", how='outer'), dfs1000)
# I killed it after about 5 minutes so the other one is definitely faster
like image 60
bunji Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 12:09
