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Efficient algorithm for string matching with a very large pattern set

I'm looking for an efficient algorithm able to find all patterns that match a specific string. The pattern set can be very large (more than 100,000) and dynamic (patterns added or removed at anytime). Patterns are not necessarily standard regexp, they can be a subset of regexp or something similar to shell pattern (ie: file-*.txt). A solution for a subset of regex is preferred (as explained below).

FYI: I'm not interested by brute force approaches based on a list of RegExp.

By simple regexp, I mean a regular expression that supports ?, *, + , character classes [a-z] and possibly the logical operator |.

To clarify my need: I wish find all patterns that match the URL:


The response should be these patterns based on the pattern set below.


Pattern set:

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lquerel Avatar asked Jan 31 '13 12:01


2 Answers

Here is an approach we've used pretty successfully (implementation here):

Adding Patterns:

For any pattern there exists a set of sub-strings a string must contain in order to have a chance of matching against it. Call these meta words. For example:

dog*fish -> [dog, fish]
[lfd]og  -> [og]
dog?     -> [dog]

When you add a pattern to the data structure, break it up into meta words and store them in a Aho-Corasick string matching data structure. Maintain an internal data structure to map meta words back to pattern words.

Running Queries:

Given an input string, use the Aho-Corasick data structure you've built to get all the meta words contained in that string. Then, using the map you've created, test the patterns that correspond to those meta words.

This works well because while string matching is fairly slow, you can narrow down the number of patterns you actually have to match against very quickly. Our implementation can perform about 200,000 queries per second, on a regular laptop, against sets of 150,000+ patterns. See the bench-marking mode in the program to test that.

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Zeke Medley Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 01:09

Zeke Medley

One approach that comes to mind is to create tree structures of patterns.

Example: http://* would contain all the patterns (listed above). http://*.site1.com/* would contain all the site1.com ones. This could significantly reduce the number of patterns that need to be checked.

Additionally you could determine which patters are mutually exclusive to further prune the list you search.

So first take all the patterns and create trees out of them. Search all roots to determine which branches and nodes need to be analyzed.

Improve the algorithm by determining which branches are mutually exclusive so once you find a hit on a given branch you would know which branches/nodes do not need to be visited.

To get started you could be lazy and your first pass could be to sort the patterns and do simple does next pattern contain this pattern type logic to determine if "this" is contained in next. EX: if( "http://*.site1.com/*".startsWith("http://*") == true )

You could get more sophisticated in your ability to determine if one pattern does actually contain another but this would get you started.

To get any better at determining the question:

"Does this pattern contain that pattern?"

I believe you would need to be able to parse the regex... This article looks like a good place to start with to understand how to accomplish that: Parsing regular expressions with recursive descent

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John Sobolewski Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 01:09

John Sobolewski