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Efficiency of C#'s typeof operator (or whatever its representation is in MSIL)



I know premature optimization is the mother of all evil. However, I am defining a generic method that uses Reflection to retrieve its generic type's metadata, and would like to know whether calling typeof(T) several times as in the following code snippet:

private static Dictionary<Type, PropertyInfo[]> elementProperties;

private static T MakeElement<T>(SqlDataReader reader) where T : class, new() {
    PropertyInfo[] properties;
    if (elementProperties.ContainsKey(typeof(T)))
        properties = elementProperties[typeof(T)];
        properties = elementProperties[typeof(T)] = typeof(T).GetProperties();

    // more code...

... is less efficient than storing the type object into a variable as in the following code snippet:

private static Dictionary<Type, PropertyInfo[]> elementProperties;

private static T MakeElement<T>(SqlDataReader reader) where T : class, new() {
    PropertyInfo[] properties;
    Type type = typeof(T);
    if (elementProperties.ContainsKey(type))
        properties = elementProperties[type];
        properties = elementProperties[type] = type.GetProperties();

    // more code...


If I understand compiler theory correctly (and I think I do), this question could be reduced to the following one:

When the JIT compiler instantiates a generic type, does it replace every instance of [whatever the MSIL representation of typeof(T) is] with...

  1. ... a reference to the actual type object? (good)
  2. ... a method call/subroutine/whatever that retrieves a reference to the actual type object? (bad)
  3. ... a method call/subroutine/whatever that constructs a type object and returns a reference to it? (very, very bad)
like image 801
pyon Avatar asked Jun 20 '11 21:06


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1 Answers

A little intuition should tell you that declaring a single instance of a variable to hold the result of GetType(), which is then used throughout the rest method would be more efficient (and more readable to boot)

Here is the IL of the two methods:

MakeElement 1:

Icall       System.Type.GetTypeFromHandle
callvirt    System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.Type,System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[]>.ContainsKey
brfalse.s   IL_002F
ldfld       elementProperties
ldtoken     01 00 00 1B 
call        System.Type.GetTypeFromHandle
callvirt    System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.Type,System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[]>.get_Item
br.s        IL_0053
ldfld       elementProperties
ldtoken     01 00 00 1B 
call        System.Type.GetTypeFromHandle
ldtoken     01 00 00 1B 
call        System.Type.GetTypeFromHandle
call        System.Type.GetProperties
callvirt    System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.Type,System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[]>.set_Item

MakeElement 2:

call        System.Type.GetTypeFromHandle
ldfld       elementProperties
callvirt    System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.Type,System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[]>.ContainsKey
brfalse.s   IL_0028
ldfld       elementProperties
callvirt    System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.Type,System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[]>.get_Item
br.s        IL_003A
ldfld       elementProperties
callvirt    System.Type.GetProperties
callvirt    System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.Type,System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[]>.set_Item

You save 1 or 2 calls to System.Type.GetTypeFromHandle by declaring it in the local variable. I'm not certain that the JIT'ing process won't compile those out, but I would personally put more faith in the compiler to optimize the IL for things like over the JIT'er, but that's just me.

like image 185
Brandon Moretz Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 18:10

Brandon Moretz