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Effective user id does not change after making the file owned by root

I'm currently reading a book on programming with C, I got to a part where I've got to write a program which will display the real uid and effective uid that the file is being executed on. After compiling the code with gcc, I input the command to see the current uOwner and gOwner ls- l id_demo the output is this:

-rwxrwxr-x 1 user user 8629 Sep 21 13:04 id_demo

I then execute the program itself, this is what I get:

real uid: 1000 effective uid: 1000

...so far so good. I then input a command to change the owner of the file:

sudo chown root:root ./id_demo

The ls -l confirms that the owner has been changed to root:

-rwxrwxr-x 1 root root 8629 Sep 21 13:04 id_demo

Again, executing the program shows real uid and uid as 1000. The last step after which the uid must be 0 is this: sudo chmod u+s ./uid_demo but for me they stay as 1000, where in the book the output is clearly show to be this:

real uid: 1000
effective uid: 0

Any ideas why is this happening?


id_demo source code:

#include <stdio.h>

int main ()
    printf("real uid: %d\n", getuid());
    printf("effective uid: %d\n", geteuid());

UPDATE 2 Screen shots

            ss #1

              ls -l testuid

PLEASE HELP. I'm going crazy I spent 6+hour looking for the solution and I need to move on.

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Evgeny Danilenko Avatar asked Sep 21 '13 20:09

Evgeny Danilenko

People also ask

Which variable gives the effective user-ID in Linux?

Shell variables related to UID and EIDEUID – Expands to the effective user ID of the current user, initialized at shell startup. This variable is readonly. UID – Expands to the user ID of the current user, initialized at shell startup. This variable is readonly.

What UID is always assigned to the root account?

The root account is the special user in the /etc/passwd file with the user ID (UID) of 0 and is commonly given the user name, root. It is not the user name that makes the root account so special, but the UID value of 0 . This means that any user that has a UID of 0 also has the same privileges as the root user.

How do I create a user-ID file?

Creating a set-user-ID or set-group-ID executable file. A superuser or the file owner can use a chmod command or chmod() callable service to change two options for an executable file. The options are set in two file mode bits: Set-user-ID (S_ISUID) with the setuid option.

2 Answers

This works for me:


$ gcc uid_demo.c -o uid_demo

$ ll
total 12
-rwxrwxr-x 1 saml saml 6743 Sep 21 17:05 uid_demo
-rw-rw-r-- 1 saml saml  116 Sep 21 16:58 uid_demo.c


$ sudo chown root:root uid_demo
$ ll
total 12
-rwxrwxr-x 1 root root 6743 Sep 21 17:05 uid_demo
-rw-rw-r-- 1 saml saml  116 Sep 21 16:58 uid_demo.c


$ sudo chmod u+s uid_demo
$ ll
total 12
-rwsrwxr-x 1 root root 6743 Sep 21 17:05 uid_demo
-rw-rw-r-- 1 saml saml  116 Sep 21 16:58 uid_demo.c


$ ./uid_demo 
real uid: 500
effective uid: 0
like image 43
slm Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 01:10


We've figured it out. The cause is an ecryptfs-mounted home directory. The mount output contains the following line:

/home/evgeny/.Private on /home/evgeny type ecryptfs 

That means that the home directory isn't actually part of the root filesystem (that has the necessary suid flag), but its own virtual filesystem that apparently doesn't support setuid binaries by default. I have successfully reproduced the issue with a test user that has an encrypted home directory.

It is possible to add the suid flag to the ecryptfs with the following command:

sudo mount -i -o remount,suid /home/evgeny

I'm not certain though how safe that is, nor how to change it permanently so that it would survive reboots.

like image 180
Martin von Wittich Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 00:10

Martin von Wittich