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Effect of field name length of a database on performance?

What effect does a field name length has on the performance of a database? Is it negligible? Should I go with long descriptive names?

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Raminder Avatar asked Oct 29 '08 10:10


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Does column size impact performance?

As per my knowledge .. it will not effect the database performace.. because varchar2 will not allocate the whole 1000 .. it will allocate the space according to the stored data. Hi, It will not affect the performance of the database.

How should field names be defined in a database?

Field names in the same table must be unique; for instance, you can't have two columns with the name ObjectID. Field names must also start with a letter and cannot contain spaces or reserved words.

How long can a SQL column name be?

When the Text driver is used, the maximum column name is 64 characters, and longer names are truncated.

What does length mean in database?

Definition and Usage The LENGTH() function returns the length of a string (in bytes).

1 Answers

The database server converts field names into an internal representation. So the only time the name's length affects performance is when the server parses your SQL statements. The performance impact of this is negligible for typical applications.

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Diomidis Spinellis Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 06:10

Diomidis Spinellis