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EFCore join table and AutoMapper


I want to query all users from my ASP.net Identity Users table and map them to a simple DTO like this:

public class UserDto
    public string Firstname { get; set; }
    public string Lastname { get; set; }
    public string Email { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<string> Roles { get; set; }

The list of roles should only contain the names of the roles, so I join the roles in from the roles table and get the names. Now I want to simplify this by using AutoMapper and map the results directly into my DTO.

var users = await _userManager.Users
            .Include(u => u.Roles)
            .Select(u => new {
                User = u,
                Roles = u.Roles
                            a => a.RoleId, 
                            b => b.Id, 
                            (a, b) => b.Name)

I'm struggling to find a good solution to map this data to a list of UserDto objects with AutoMapper. I tried to user ProjectTo<UserDto> and implement the table join in my mapper configuration but I get a lot of efcore warnings that my queries are executed on the client.

Question: Is there a simple and efficient way to do this with AutoMapper and efcore?

Update Even without AutoMapper it produces a warning :(

var users = await _userManager.Users
            .Include(u => u.Roles)
            .Select(u => new UserDto {
                Firstname = u.Firstname,
                Lastname = u.Lastname,
                Email = u.Email,
                Roles = u.Roles
                            a => a.RoleId, 
                            b => b.Id, 
                            (a, b) => b.Name)

This is the efcore logging output:

info: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.IRelationalCommandBuilderFactory[1]
      Executed DbCommand (2ms) [Parameters=[@__get_Item_0='?' (Size = 450)], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']
      SELECT TOP(1) [e].[Id], [e].[AccessFailedCount], [e].[Address], [e].[City], [e].[ConcurrencyStamp], [e].[Country], [e].[CustomerIdentifier], [e].[Email], [e].[EmailConfirmed], [e].[Firstname], [e].[Gender], [e].[Lastname], [e].[LockoutEnabled], [e].[LockoutEnd], [e].[NormalizedEmail], [e].[NormalizedUserName], [e].[PasswordHash], [e].[PhoneNumber], [e].[PhoneNumberConfirmed], [e].[Region], [e].[SecurityStamp], [e].[TwoFactorEnabled], [e].[UserName], [e].[ZipCode]
      FROM [AspNetUsers] AS [e]
      WHERE [e].[Id] = @__get_Item_0

info: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.IRelationalCommandBuilderFactory[1]
      Executed DbCommand (2ms) [Parameters=[@__normalizedRoleName_0='?' (Size = 256)], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']
      SELECT TOP(2) [r].[Id], [r].[ConcurrencyStamp], [r].[Name], [r].[NormalizedName]
      FROM [AspNetRoles] AS [r]
      WHERE [r].[NormalizedName] = @__normalizedRoleName_0

info: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.IRelationalCommandBuilderFactory[1]
      Executed DbCommand (6ms) [Parameters=[@__get_Item_0='?' (Size = 450), @__get_Item_1='?' (Size = 450)], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']
      SELECT TOP(1) [e].[UserId], [e].[RoleId]
      FROM [AspNetUserRoles] AS [e]
      WHERE ([e].[UserId] = @__get_Item_0) AND ([e].[RoleId] = @__get_Item_1)

warn: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.SqlServerQueryCompilationContextFactory[6]
      The Include operation for navigation: 'u.Roles' was ignored because the target navigation is not reachable in the final query results. To configure this warning use the DbContextOptionsBuilder.ConfigureWarnings API (event id 'CoreEventId.IncludeIgnoredWarning'). ConfigureWarnings can be used when overriding the DbContext.OnConfiguring method or using AddDbContext on the application service provider.

info: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.IRelationalCommandBuilderFactory[1]
      Executed DbCommand (1ms) [Parameters=[], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']
      SELECT [u].[Firstname], [u].[Lastname], [u].[Email], [u].[Id]
      FROM [AspNetUsers] AS [u]

info: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.IRelationalCommandBuilderFactory[1]
      Executed DbCommand (2ms) [Parameters=[@_outer_Id='?' (Size = 450)], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']
      SELECT [b].[Name]
      FROM [AspNetUserRoles] AS [a]
      INNER JOIN [AspNetRoles] AS [b] ON [a].[RoleId] = [b].[Id]
      WHERE @_outer_Id = [a].[UserId]

info: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.IRelationalCommandBuilderFactory[1]
      Executed DbCommand (1ms) [Parameters=[@_outer_Id='?' (Size = 450)], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']
      SELECT [b].[Name]
      FROM [AspNetUserRoles] AS [a]
      INNER JOIN [AspNetRoles] AS [b] ON [a].[RoleId] = [b].[Id]
      WHERE @_outer_Id = [a].[UserId]

Update 2

Following the warning, I just removed the Include statement an found a working solution:

var users = await _userManager.Users
            .Select(u => new UserDto {
                Firstname = u.Firstname,
                Lastname = u.Lastname,
                Email = u.Email,
                Roles = u.Roles
                            a => a.RoleId, 
                            b => b.Id, 
                            (a, b) => b.Name)
like image 229
Steffen Avatar asked Mar 18 '17 00:03


People also ask

When should you not use AutoMapper?

If you have to do complex mapping behavior, it might be better to avoid using AutoMapper for that scenario. Reverse mapping can get very complicated very quickly, and unless it's very simple, you can have business logic showing up in mapping configuration.

Is AutoMapper faster than manual mapping?

Automapper is considerably faster when mapping a List<T> of objects on . NET Core (It's still slower on full . NET Framework).

What is AutoMapper good for?

AutoMapper in C# is a library used to map data from one object to another. It acts as a mapper between two objects and transforms one object type into another. It converts the input object of one type to the output object of another type until the latter type follows or maintains the conventions of AutoMapper.

What is ProjectTo AutoMapper?

The . ProjectTo<OrderLineDTO>() will tell AutoMapper's mapping engine to emit a select clause to the IQueryable that will inform entity framework that it only needs to query the Name column of the Item table, same as if you manually projected your IQueryable to an OrderLineDTO with a Select clause.

1 Answers

I removed the Include statement from the query, moved the select statement to my AutoMapper profile and added the roles table as a parameter to my ProjectTo statement. Now its working as expected and not producing any efcore warnings.

ef query

        var users = await _userManager.Users
            .ProjectTo<UserDto>(new { roles = _roleManager.Roles })              

automapper profile

        IQueryable<IdentityRole> roles = null;
        CreateMap<User, UserDto>()
            .ForMember(x => x.Roles, opt => 
                opt.MapFrom(src => 
                        .Join(roles, a => a.RoleId, b => b.Id, (a, b) => b.Name)
like image 175
Steffen Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10
