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EF DbContext. How to avoid caching?

Spent a lot of time, but still cann't understand how to avoid caching in DbContext.

I attached below entity model of some easy case to demonstrate what I mean.

The problem is that dbcontext caching results. For example, I have next code for querying data from my database:

using (TestContext ctx = new TestContext())
   var res = (from b in ctx.Buildings.Where(x => x.ID == 1)
             select new
                flats = from f in b.Flats
                        select new
                           people = from p in f.People
                           where p.Archived == false
                           select p
             }).AsEnumerable().Select(x => x.b).Single();


In this case, everything is fine: I got what I want (Only persons with Archived == false).

But if I add another query after it, for example, query for buildings that have people that have Archived flag set to true, I have next things, that I really cann't understand:

  1. my previous result, that is res, will be added by data (there will be added Persons with Archived == true too)
  2. new result will contain absolutely all Person's, no matter what Archived equals

the code of this query is next:

using (TestContext ctx = new TestContext())
   var res = (from b in ctx.Buildings.Where(x => x.ID == 1)
             select new
                flats = from f in b.Flats
                        select new
                           people = from p in f.People
                           where p.Archived == false
                           select p
             }).AsEnumerable().Select(x => x.b).Single();

    var newResult = (from b in ctx.Buildings.Where(x => x.ID == 1)
              select new
                  flats = from f in b.Flats
                          select new
                             people = from p in f.People
                             where p.Archived == true
                             select p
               }).AsEnumerable().Select(x => x.b).Single();

By the way, I set LazyLoadingEnabled to false in constructor of TestContext.

Does anybody know how to workaround this problem? How can I have in my query what I really write in my linq to entity?

P.S. @Ladislav may be you can help?

Entity Model

like image 892
Danil Sabirov Avatar asked Dec 21 '22 02:12

Danil Sabirov

1 Answers

You can use the AsNoTracking method on your query.

var res = (from b in ctx.Buildings.Where(x => x.ID == 1)
         select new
            flats = from f in b.Flats
                    select new
                       people = from p in f.People
                       where p.Archived == false
                       select p
         }).AsNoTracking().AsEnumerabe().Select(x => x.b).Single();

I also want to note that your AsEnumerable is probably doing more harm than good. If you remove it, the Select(x => x.b) will be translated to SQL. As is, you are selecting everything, then throwing away everything but x.b in memory.

like image 150
cadrell0 Avatar answered Jan 22 '23 16:01
