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EF Core no .Include() method on DBset

I'm currently completely unable to call .Include() and intellisense (in vscode) doesn't seem to think it exists.

Now after a long time searching the web I've found this:

Not finding .Include() method in my EF implementing Generic repository

which seems to suggest that .Include exists only in System.Data.Entities, which is only available for EF 5 and 6.

So how do i eager load my list property for an entity in EF core?

heres my context

public class Database : DbContext {     //Set new datasources like this: public DbSet<class> name { get; set; }      public DbSet<Domain.Resource> Resources { get; set; }     public DbSet<Domain.ResourceType> ResourceTypes { get; set; }      protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)     {         optionsBuilder.UseSqlite("Filename=./something.db");     } } 

Heres the data classes:

public class Resource {     public int ResourceId { get; set; }     public string Name { get; set; }     public string Description { get; set; }      public int ResourceTypeId { get; set; }     public ResourceType ResourceType { get; set; } } public class ResourceType {     public int ResourceTypeId { get; set; }     public string Name { get; set; }      public List<Resource> Resources { get; set; } } 

Then I do something like:

public List<ResourceType> GetAll() {     var router = new Database();      var result = router.ResourceTypes.Include(rt => rt.Resources); //It's here there's absolutely no .Include method      return result.ToList(); } 

Does .Include not exist in EF Core?

like image 451
rasmus91 Avatar asked Feb 09 '17 11:02


2 Answers

It's a direct consequence of a missing reference in the file where I'm making a call to the method (though i'm not quite sure i understand how...)

Anyways, adding:

using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; 

like Tseng and Smit suggested, did the trick. (in the file in which i define the function)

Though why that works i have no idea. I thought .include would automatically be available through the DbSet.

Thanks though! :)

like image 199
rasmus91 Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 08:09


If you end up here, a user of EF 6 or below and happen to miss that OP actually mentioned this like I did, you want to add

using System.Data.Entity; 

to your class.

like image 37
Mike Devenney Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09

Mike Devenney