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EF Core how select entity with many-to-many relationship

I ave table structure like this

  1. users
  2. user_profiles
  3. profiles


user has many user profiles, user_profile table join user and profile tables together.(there is a many to many relationship between user and the profile table)


user>many user_profiles> one profile


How can i select user with profile by using linq.


var user=cbContext.user.include("user_profiles").include("profiles").Where(predicate).FirstOrDefault();
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Eranga Gamagedara Avatar asked Oct 01 '18 04:10

Eranga Gamagedara

People also ask

How does Entity Framework handle many-to-many relationships?

To configure many-to-many relationship Using Data Annotations, you need to create the Join Table in the model. The Join Table BookCategory will have properties for the primary key of both the table. It will have two navigational properties one each for Book and Category class.

When would you use EF6 vs EF core?

Keep using EF6 if the data access code is stable and not likely to evolve or need new features. Port to EF Core if the data access code is evolving or if the app needs new features only available in EF Core. Porting to EF Core is also often done for performance.

Is EF core faster than EF6?

EF Core 6.0 itself is 31% faster executing queries. Heap allocations have been reduced by 43%.

3 Answers

Found the answer

  .Include(user => user.UserProfiles)
  .ThenInclude(userProfiles => userProfiles.Profile) 
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Eranga Gamagedara Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 06:10

Eranga Gamagedara

If you have full entity-framework, then the many-to-many is designed similar to:

class User
     public int Id {get; set;}

     // every User has zero or more Profiles (many-to-many)
     public virtual ICollection<Profile> Profiles {get; set;}

class Profile
     public int Id {get; set;}

     // every Profile belongs to zero or more Users (many-to-many)
     public virtual ICollection<User> Userss {get; set;}


If you have your classes designed like this and you want "users that ... with their profiles" you can use the collections and Select the properties you plan to use:

using (var dbContext = new MyDbContext(...))
    var requestedUsers = dbContext.Users
        .Where(user => ...)                      // only if you don't want all Users
        .Select(user => new
        {    // Select only the properties you plan to use:
             Id = user.Id,
             Name = user.Name,
             Profiles = user.Profiles
                 .Where(profile => ...)         // only if you don't want all profiles
                 .Select(profile => new
                      Name = profile.Name,

One of the slower parts of a database query is the transport of the selected data from the Database Management System to your process. Hence it is wise to limit the data you are transferring to the data that you actually plan to use.

Include will select all properties of the included object, inclusive primary and foreign keys. Include a Collection will select the complete collection, even if you only plan to use a few.

Advise: only use Include if you plan to change the fetched data. Using Select is faster. Select only the properties you actually plan to use

Use (Group)Join if you can't use the ICollection

I understood from some that you can't use the virtual ICollections when you use EF-core. In that case you'll have to perform a GroupJoin yourself

    .Where(user => ...)
    .GroupJoin(dbContext.UserProfiles,         // GroupJoin the users with the UserProfiles
        user => user.Id                        // from every user take the Id
        userProfile => userProfile.UserId,     // from every userProfile take the UserId
        (user, userProfiles) =>  new           // when thay match,
        {                                      // take the user and its matching UserProfiles
            UserId = user.Id,                  // again: select only properties you plan to use
            UserName = user.Name,

            // for the Profiles, do a new Join with the Profiles
            Profiles = userProfiles.Join(dbContext.Profiles, // join with Profiles
               userProfile => userProfile => profileId       // from the userProfile take profileId
               profile => profile.Id,                        // from the Profile take the Id
               (userProfile, profile) => new                 // when they match, make an object
               {   // again: use only properties you plan to use
                   ProfileId = profile.Id,
                   ProfileName = profile.Name,

Careful: You won't get Users without any Profiles!
It is an Inner join.

If you also want Users without profiles, use a Left-Outer-GroupJoin as described here on Stackoverflow Scroll down for the highest ranked answer, which is way better than the selected answer

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Harald Coppoolse Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 06:10

Harald Coppoolse

In addition to your own answer with the lambdas and the use of ThenInclude , which is my preferred version for simple queries with n to n relationships, you can also use strings to specify your inclusions.

You just need to write the "path" of properties separated with dots . like this :


It works for 1 to 1, 1 to many and many to many relationships the same.

It's useful when you have deep inclusions of entities (but you lose the compilation-time checking)

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Pac0 Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 08:10
