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EF CORE 2.1 HasConversion on all properties of type datetime

I previously used DateTimeKindEntityMaterializerSource (Git) to convert all DateTime to UTC when reading entities because the default was unspecified.

With EF core 2.1 the DateTimeKindEntityMaterializerSource no longer works but we can actually do this

         builder         .Entity<ESDataQuotation>()         .Property(e => e.CreatedDate)         .HasConversion(v => v, v => DateTime.SpecifyKind(v, DateTimeKind.Utc)); 

However, I have many properties of DateTime and I would like if there is a way to make the conversion for all property of type DateTime.

like image 372
Pilouk Avatar asked Jun 06 '18 19:06


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1 Answers

Excerpt from EF Core 2.1 Value Conversions documentation topic:

There is currently no way to specify in one place that every property of a given type must use the same value converter. This feature will be considered for a future release.

Until then, you can use the typical loop at the end of the OnModelCreating override where all entity types and properties are discovered:

var dateTimeConverter = new ValueConverter<DateTime, DateTime>(     v => v, v => DateTime.SpecifyKind(v, DateTimeKind.Utc));  foreach (var entityType in modelBuilder.Model.GetEntityTypes()) {     foreach (var property in entityType.GetProperties())     {         if (property.ClrType == typeof(DateTime) || property.ClrType == typeof(DateTime?))             property.SetValueConverter(dateTimeConverter);     } } 
like image 64
Ivan Stoev Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 08:09

Ivan Stoev