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EditText maxLines not working - user can still input more lines than set

People also ask

How do we get the input from the EditText as strings which can be sent to the server?

We have used getText() method to get the text entered in the EditText views. But getText() method returns an Editable instance and therefore we have typecasted it to convert it into String for further use. This can be done by using the toString() method.

How do you make EditText all caps?

You can add the android:textAllCaps="true" property to your xml file in the EditText. This will enforce the softinput keyboard to appear in all caps mode. The value you enter will appear in Uppercase.

How do I know if EditText is focused?

You can use View. OnFocusChangeListener to detect if any view (edittext) gained or lost focus. This goes in your activity or fragment or wherever you have the EditTexts.


You just need to make sure you have the attribute "inputType" set. It doesn't work without this line.


The attribute maxLines corresponds to the maximum height of the EditText, it controls the outer boundaries and not inner text lines.

This does not solve the general issue of limiting to n lines. If you want to limit your EditText to take just 1 line of text, this can be very easy.
You can set this in the xml file.


or programmatically


@Cedekasem you are right, there isn't a built in "row limiter". But I did built one my self, so if anyone is interested the code is below. Cheers.

et.setOnKeyListener(new View.OnKeyListener() {

        public boolean onKey(View v, int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {

            // if enter is pressed start calculating
            if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER
                    && event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_UP) {

                // get EditText text
                String text = ((EditText) v).getText().toString();

                // find how many rows it cointains
                int editTextRowCount = text.split("\\n").length;

                // user has input more than limited - lets do something
                // about that
                if (editTextRowCount >= 7) {

                    // find the last break
                    int lastBreakIndex = text.lastIndexOf("\n");

                    // compose new text
                    String newText = text.substring(0, lastBreakIndex);

                    // add new text - delete old one and append new one
                    // (append because I want the cursor to be at the end)
                    ((EditText) v).setText("");
                    ((EditText) v).append(newText);


            return false;