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editor in Cygwin [closed]



I had just installed cygwin on my win XP machine, new to unix & learning things...

  1. How can I know which editor had been installed with cygwin installation on my system? none of the editors out of vi, vim, nano, ted, jow etc working...tried using 'notepad' but it saves the file as .txt ....

  2. Also another confusion which I have is, even the files which I have created without shebang line as well as without .sh extension , I am able to execute them when given permission to do so...how can a script be run when I have not added shebang line in that?

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ratsy Avatar asked Aug 11 '11 23:08


People also ask

What editor does Cygwin use?

Cygwin does not come with the text editor nano by default. Please follow the instructions here to install Cygwin with nano. If you have already installed Cygwin, just run the installer again following these instructions, and you will be able to use nano in Cygwin.

How do I close a program in Cygwin?

Use -f to terminate native Windows processes not started by Cygwin processes. -f can also be useful to terminate Cygwin processes not answering to SIGKILL. Unless you specific the -W option, the "pid" values used by kill are the Cygwin pids, not the Windows pids.

1 Answers

I had trouble with this and a few other things in Cygwin. Vim, Emacs, (and many other standard Unix programs) are not installed by default in Cygwin.

You need to run the setup program again (no need to uninstall first), and explicitly add what you want.

I wrote a blog post about this: http://wilsonericn.wordpress.com/2011/08/15/cygwin-setup-gotchas/

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Eric Wilson Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 01:09

Eric Wilson