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Editing the Google Chrome Developer Tools Itself

One day I was looking at the Google Chrome Developer, and I was accidentally holding Ctrl and scrolling the mousewheel, when, bang

enter image description here

So, does that mean that the Google Chrome Developer Tools are not part of the standard Google Chrome interface? Is the Google Chrome Developer Tools a webpage itself? Do I need a Google Chrome Developer Tools for the Google Chrome Developer Tools?

Dum dum dummmmmm

Anyway, so making the assumption that the Google Chrome Developer Tools is a webpage, then how can I access it? Where is the file holding it? How could I create my own version of the Google Chrome Developer Tools?

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Luke Avatar asked Nov 09 '22 19:11


1 Answers

Hi the link below contains all information for someone who would want to hack,debug or modify the Chrome developer tools. The document quotes quite nicely somewhere "You can inspect the inspector.".

I believe this document does not have the ultimate latest data but it's relevant to the question above. I tried out the initial steps mentioned above and they worked fine.


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ketan Shah Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11

ketan Shah