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Edit XML with Ruby




I'm trying to edit an XML file and replace strings with ruby variables. For now this is my code :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?>

And this is the Ruby file :

require "rexml/text"
require 'rexml/document'
include REXML

def generate_2

def generate_1

File.open('Standart-Profile.xml') do |config_file|
  config = Document.new(config_file)
  config.root.elements['old_A'].text = 'generate_1'
  config.root.elements['old_B'].text = 'generate_2'
  config.root.elements['old_C'].text = 'generate_1'

  formatter = REXML::Formatters::Default.new
  File.open('New-Profile.xml', 'w') do |result|
  formatter.write(config, result)

But I keep getting this error :

Final-Tool-Kit.rb:19:in `block in <main>': undefined method `text=' for nil:NilC
lass (NoMethodError)
        from test.rb:16:in `open'
        from test.rb:16:in `<main>'
like image 321
Ko Ichi Avatar asked Nov 03 '11 02:11

Ko Ichi

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What is the best way to manipulate XML?

The most common way to manipulate XML is with the REXML library by Sean Russell. Since 2002, REXML has been part of the standard Ruby distribution. REXML is a pure-Ruby XML processor conforming to the XML 1.0 standard.

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Video Answer

1 Answers

Your problem is that you're looking for an element with the name old_A when you should be looking for an element with the text contents of old_A.

Here's a solution using Nokogiri, which I find more convenient than REXML:

require 'nokogiri' # gem install nokogiri

xml = "<Standart-Profile>

doc = Nokogiri.XML(xml)
doc.at('//text()[.="old_A"]').content = 'generate_1'
doc.at('//text()[.="old_B"]').content = 'generate_2'
doc.at('//text()[.="old_C"]').content = 'generate_3'

File.open('output.xml','w') do |f|
  f.puts doc
#=> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?>
#=> <Standart-Profile>
#=>     <class1>
#=>         <class2>
#=>             <class3>
#=>                <value1>generate_1</value1>
#=>                <value1>generate_2</value1>
#=>                <value1>generate_3</value1>
#=>             </class3>
#=>         </class2>
#=>     </class1>
#=> </Standart-Profile>

If you actually want to call a generate_1 method (as you have defined) then you would instead use:

...content = generate_1 # no quotes

Edit: Here's one way to do it with XPath in REXML (after I fixed the source XML to be valid):

require 'rexml/document'    
doc = REXML::Document.new(xml)
REXML::XPath.first(doc,'//*[text()="old_A"]').text = 'generate_1'
REXML::XPath.first(doc,'//*[text()="old_B"]').text = 'generate_2'
REXML::XPath.first(doc,'//*[text()="old_C"]').text = 'generate_3'
puts doc
#=> <Standart-Profile>
#=>     <class1>
#=>         <class2>
#=>             <class3>
#=>                <value1>generate_1</value1>
#=>                <value1>generate_2</value1>
#=>                <value1>generate_3</value1>
#=>             </class3>
#=>         </class2>
#=>     </class1>
#=> </Standart-Profile>
like image 158
Phrogz Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 09:10
