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Edit strings vars in compiled exe? C++ win32

I want to have a few strings in my c++ app and I want to be able to edit them later in the deployed applications (the compiled exe), Is there a way to make the exe edit itself or it resources so I can update the strings value?

The app checks for updates on start, so I'm thinking about using that to algo send the command when I need to edit the strings (for example the string that contains the url used to check for updates).

I don't want to use anything external to the exe, I could simply use the registry but I prefer to keep everything inside the exe.

I am using visual studio 2010 c++ (or any other version of ms visual c++).

like image 408
extintor Avatar asked Dec 09 '22 15:12


1 Answers

I know you said you don't want to use anything external to the program, but I think what you really want in this case is a resource-only DLL. The executable can load whichever DLL has the strings that you need in a given invocation.

like image 156
jwismar Avatar answered Dec 20 '22 15:12
