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Edit iOS notes via IMAP

I'd like to create and edit notes created by the iOS Note app programmatically from the server-side.

I can see the notes created by the iOS device in my IMAP folder but any changes I make won't show up on the iOS device.

Does such API exist?

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James Avatar asked Nov 03 '22 03:11


1 Answers

Well, I use the HeaderTools plugin with Thunderbird to accomplish this, so it's certainly possible. The notes app picks up the changes right away.
( I's not a very satisfying solution as HeaderTools only allows editing as html source in its own viewer/editor )
I guess you could fire up wireshark to investigate precisely what goes on. The drafts theory sounds plausible. If I needed to dig into this, I think I would just try it out with python directly, instead of googling around for hours.

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Alias_Knagg Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 17:11
