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EDI file generation using SMOOKS


How can I convert XML file to EDI file using SMOOKS?

I am able to convert EDI to XML, in fact this is part of examples provided by SMOOKS.

like image 254
Shirish Bathe Avatar asked Feb 24 '12 08:02

Shirish Bathe

People also ask

What are smooks?

Smooks is a framework for data processing applications – dealing with structured data such as XML or CSV. It provides both APIs and a configuration model that allow us to define transformations between predefined formats (for example XML to CSV, XML to JSON and more).

What is EDI in Java?

EDI stands for Electronic Data Interchange. It is a computer-to-computer exchange of data or information such as business documents between companies.

1 Answers

Based on your question i tried to do some research on it . Please check if it helps you .

So here's the source edi file that is to be transformed:

HDR*1*0*59.97*64.92*4.95*Wed Nov 15 13:45:28 EST 2006 CUS*user1*Harry^Fletcher*SD ORD*1*1*364*The 40-Year-Old Virgin*29.98 ORD*2*1*299*Pulp Fiction*29.99 

And this is the expected result of our transformation:

<Order>     <header>             <order-id>1</order-id>             <status-code>0</status-code>             <net-amount>59.97</net-amount>             <total-amount>64.92</total-amount>             <tax>4.95</tax>             <date>Wed Nov 15 13:45:28 EST 2006</date>     </header>     <customer-details>             <username>user1</username>             <name>                     <firstname>Harry</firstname>                     <lastname>Fletcher</lastname>             </name>             <state>SD</state>     </customer-details>     <order-item>             <position>1</position>             <quantity>1</quantity>             <product-id>364</product-id>             <title>The 40-Year-Old Virgin</title>             <price>29.98</price>     </order-item>     <order-item>             <position>2</position>             <quantity>1</quantity>             <product-id>299</product-id>             <title>Pulp Fiction</title>             <price>29.99</price>     </order-item> </Order> 

The Smooks Configuration

We simply specify the SmooksEDIParser  as the stream parser. More transformation configurations could be added to transform this message further. Here's the configuration ("smooks-config.xml"):

<?xml version="1.0"?> <smooks-resource-list xmlns="http://www.milyn.org/xsd/smooks-1.1.xsd"                   xmlns:edi="http://www.milyn.org/xsd/smooks/edi-1.1.xsd">  <!-- Configure the EDI Reader to process the message stream into a stream of SAX events. --> <edi:reader mappingModel="/example/edi-to-xml-order-mapping.xml" />  </smooks-resource-list> 

Here's the edi mapping ("/src/main/java/example/edi-to-xml-order-mapping.xml"):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <medi:edimap xmlns:medi="http://www.milyn.org/schema/edi-message-mapping-1.0.xsd"> <medi:description name="DVD Order" version="1.0" /> <medi:delimiters segment="&#10;" field="*" component="^" sub-component="~" /> <medi:segments xmltag="Order">     <medi:segment segcode="HDR" xmltag="header">         <medi:field xmltag="order-id" />         <medi:field xmltag="status-code" />         <medi:field xmltag="net-amount" />         <medi:field xmltag="total-amount" />         <medi:field xmltag="tax" />         <medi:field xmltag="date" />     </medi:segment>     <medi:segment segcode="CUS" xmltag="customer-details">         <medi:field xmltag="username" />         <medi:field xmltag="name">             <medi:component xmltag="firstname" />             <medi:component xmltag="lastname" />         </medi:field>         <medi:field xmltag="state" />     </medi:segment>     <medi:segment segcode="ORD" xmltag="order-item" maxOccurs="-1">         <medi:field xmltag="position" />         <medi:field xmltag="quantity" />         <medi:field xmltag="product-id" />         <medi:field xmltag="title" />         <medi:field xmltag="price" />     </medi:segment> </medi:segments> </medi:edimap> 

Executing The Transformation:

// Instantiate Smooks with the config... Smooks smooks = new Smooks("smooks-config.xml");  try { // Filter the input message to the outputWriter... smooks.filterSource(new StreamSource(messageIn), new StreamResult(messageOut)); } finally { smooks.close(); } 
like image 193
Siddhartha Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 01:10
